Chapter 40; Happiest Time

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A glorious and fun-filled week had passed. I think this was the charm of being freelancers. We both could always manage our time which allowed us to spend time with each other often.

Another advantage to add on was that we both had moved in together in a beautifully decorated and cozy house. We obviously missed our previous places but now, this was our home and honestly, we couldn't ask for more.

It was finally the day of the much awaited exhibition where Henry's painting, called Blue will be featured.

This was a great opportunity for him to be known not just in the country, but on a worldwide scale. The boy I grew up with was finally going to achieve the biggest break. Being proud was almost an understatement.

Him and I were in a beautifully set up art exhibition hall, looking around the paintings. Not many people were here yet since as an artist, Henry had to come first and check the settings.

So among all those talented artists in the room who were supervising their paintings, I stood against a wall from where I got a good view of almost everything and everyone present there.

All of the paintings were ridiculously beautiful. They were too perfect for my eyes. If I stared longer into any of them, I'd end up hypnotizing myself.

I had seen Henry paint multiple times. The way his paints diffused into the canvas and he played with the paintbrushes was always so satisfying to watch.

I smiled to myself when I found him monitoring his painting with a serious and passionate look. I walked over to him, hands behind my back in a playful attempt.

The painting was of a masked man, with only deep brown eyes visible. One side of his face had a peaceful and calming river while the other one had a beautiful and intricately illustrated tsunami.

I had seen that painting a hundred times earlier but I never got over it. It filled me up with all our memories as I thought about it further.

"The blue river and a tsunami show the contrast in human emotions and feelings that are hiding behind the mask. A simple color blue can show the ups and downs in the life of a person. And stop staring at me, you know I got this incentive from you."

This is what he had told me when I first saw the painting and asked him the symbolism. And obviously, like every other time he left me impressed.

All the artists in the room seemed extremely talented as we walked around the hall, observing other paintings. Some artists were Italian, some French, some Russian and what not. The scale of this place was huge and so was Henry's paycheck.

The hall was soon filling up and in the almost silent crowd of people, I found Rose and Emily looking around for us. I motioned Henry to come along as I ran over to my two best friends.
He too found John and Daniel in a corner, admiring a certain painting and caught up to them.

"Finally, you guys are here!" I gave them a slight group hug and noticed the difference in their expressions. Rose looked happier than usual and Emily Emily.

"What's up, Em?" I asked when I noticed she wasn't in the best mood.
"We fought in the morning cause I wanted to wear matching blue outfits but he said blue ain't his color so he wore grey and because I was mad, blue wasn't pleasing enough so I went for black." I made a tsk sound at her explanation.

Gosh I should've known. Emily sulking means they fought over something really stupid.

"And what about you, Rose?" I asked, when I found her beaming with happiness.
"I've always loved art exhibitions, Daisy. And on top of that, John and I are going to a holiday trip later this month." My eyes widened at that.

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