Chapter 7; Friendship

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After that incident I was left in total confusion. Many questions were building up in my mind. I've met many people and as long as I know, people are depressed because they don't have friends but this person was totally different. He doesn't want to be friends with anyone but.....

I am really happy that at least a bit, but he opened up to me. Now I am more determined to know about his past.

So when he said that, he just passed me a serious look and went from there.

While thinking about this, I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a voice.

" hey baby....where are you lost?"

When I turned around, I saw dad looking at me as if waiting for a reaction. When I saw him, I took a sigh of relief and then replied,

" Dad, you? You scared the hell out of me. You should make a sound or something. I almost got a heart attack." I first thought that a goon will come and you know an over-dramatic scene will happen but at the same time I thought that no one will come to save me and let whatever happen.

Hey don't think that I am mad. I watch too much of movies so these kinds of thoughts come. What should I do about it?

" ohh... so first I should make a sound and then come to you?" he asked me when he stopped laughing at my reactions
" Yes dad. But by the way what are you doing here at night? "

" Hey you are standing in front of our house and asking what am I doing here at night? Are you drunk? "

When I looked around I realised that I was standing in front of our house. I laughed at my dumbness.

"dad I am going to sleep now." I yawned and went straight to my room, fell on my bed and slept.

Next morning

~ In the college ~

I reached the college and saw my group laughing and talking to each other so I joined them and we started talking about random things. Then soon the bell rang and we all rushed to our respective lectures.

~ in the class ~

I reached the class with Rose as we both had the same class. I was scared to see her reaction when I sit with Henry.

Shall i sit with him?
I asked my inner voice

No you shouldn't. Answered my brain
Yes you should. Answered my heart

After a war between my heart and brain, I decided that I will sit with Rose.

" hey where are you lost? come let's sit."

Then we both sat on a bench. Soon the teacher came and started the lecture.

~ Time Skip ~

"So that's it for today. And don't forget to do the assignment given."

Soon the class ended and all moved from there to the other the class.

"Which class do you have Daisy?"
" I have English right now and you ?"
"I have bio."
" ok so lets meet in the cafeteria then. Bye."

I reached my English class early today. I saw Henry sitting in a corner as usual and reading a book. I walked towards him and sat beside him and waited for him to say something but Henry being Henry continued to ignore me. After some time, I decided to break the silence.

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