Chapter 3; Some secrets revealed

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Rest of the story will continue with Daisy's P.O.V

I went home and was still thinking about that mysterious guy and the words Emily and Rose told me.

He doesn't talk to everyone, fights with everyone and has no friends. So it's better to not talk to him .

Those words kept running in my head again and again. But what I saw was totally opposite. He was not fighting with anyone. Rather the boys were fighting with him and even bulling him. He seems strong then why wasn't he fighting back?

I was in my thoughts when I realized that I am home. I entered inside when I saw my daddy giving me his sweet smile like usual.

"Hey baby... How was your day?" he asked me enthusiastically.

"Hey dad... It went pretty good. What about yours?" I asked him giving him a wide smile.

"It went amazing. Now go and freshen up. I have some snacks for you" he said

"ohk dad" I said and with that I ran to my room. After taking a hot shower, I went downstairs to find my dad sitting on the sofa with some pizzas.

The evening went pretty amazing with my dad, watching movies and eating snacks...

~time skips~

I woke up, got ready, and bid my dad a goodbye. In my car, I was still thinking that whether I should tell Rose and Emily about the incident which took place yesterday and ask them who were the people who were bulling him. Soon I reached the college and parked my car when I saw Emily and Rose already laughing and talking to each other.

"Hey guys." I said and went to them. We all started talking and laughing on some silly jokes when suddenly the bell rang and I remembered that I have to tell them about the mysterious boy. ' you are such a fool' I said to myself and spoke

"umm....Rose and Emily, meet me in the cafeteria after this class there is something very important I want to tell you." I said, remembering the incident and smiling at his irritated face.

"Yeah sure." Rose said and with that we all proceeded towards our class.

In the class

When she reached the class, she saw an empty seat beside Henry and she went and sat there, knowing it wasn't a good choice.

"umm... Excues me? Go and sit somewhere else. There are many places vacant there. Go and sit with them not me. " he said slightly pushing me and pointing towards the faraway seats.

" No I want to sit with you. I don't even know them but I know you." I said to which he smirked at me and said;

"Really, you know about me? Ok so tell me, what do you know?" He said, being proud of his question, to which I smiled and replied.

"um... So you don't have any friends, stay quiet, fight with people, you are an introvert, you let people hurt you and when someone tries to help you don't even say SORRY, and the most important thing, you are a....." I took a dramatic pause and sighed to which he looked furious and a bit scared.

"I am a..?" he asked me in a scared tone, which quite confused me but I brushed it away.

"You're a ghost" I said controlling my laughter but finally laughed my heart out and he was looking at me with a 'are you serious' look.

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