Chapter 26; Perfect Guy

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The past two days had been a weirdly interesting but confusing experience for me.
I just wanted to go away somewhere and come back only when I got to know everything.

This was confusing me a lot.
Earlier, I just wanted to know it all. I wanted to know everything about Henry. I wanted to know how he goes through a day with no one around him.

During this, I got to know about his real identity, a mafia; then the people around him; after that, about his relations with his family; his talents; and eventually got to know how he goes through a day.
I just wanted to help him in whichever way I could.

But now, it's different.
I was just tired of everything.
I can't know everything, can I?
I've tried a lot but I never got to know the core of anything. I didn't even know that John, who was living with Henry, was the John with whom I started off.

I finally made my decision. I will leave it as it is. John told me that if Henry trusts me enough, he'd probably tell me. So what's the problem here? If he's ready to tell, I'm willing to hear. But if he's uncomfortable, I won't trouble him and his situation anymore. I'll just let everything happen on its own.

And this is not the only thing that has been troubling me lately.
It's also Henry...

He's making me feel things I never knew I could feel. John always teased us saying that we're more than friends. I always ignored it but I can't do that anymore. I just can't.

He's a mysteriously gorgeous person that you can't avoid setting your eyes on. My eyes were always looking out for him since the day I met him but I never knew this would continue forever.

Now that I think about it, I always thought about him. There wasn't a chance for me to go through a day without thinking what he must be doing. This is enough now. I can't keep pretending and telling myself that he's just a normal friend whom I wanna look out for. This won't be possible for me anymore.

But how will I talk to that guy who doesn't talk...
Jesus really out here making me fall for a guy who doesn't believe in love. Life sucks.

I was at a phase when his pretty little face started coming in my dreams out of nowhere.

I still remember that one dream very vividly.

I was talking to Rose about something in the middle of a forest and there were mafia leaders sitting with guns surrounding us and we both looked completely unbothered and my dad was dancing, not so gracefully to Michael Jackson's Rock With You. What was this weird atmosphere. It didn't make any sense. But it was just a dream.

To make things even more crazy, Henry came out of nowhere and started painting right in front of me. What in the world...
But again, it was just a dream.

I just wanted to spend a normal day and study for the exams without thinking about this certain person but apparently my mind thinks that I don't deserve it.

Two more days passed and things had gotten back to normal. John was being a bit awkward with me after I got to know about him but now it was just fine.

"Hey, don't you think this is going too slow?" John asked me, shifting his gaze from the novel to me. He was lying down on my bed and was here at my house to study.

"'s 1 in the morning. What are you talking about?" I asked him with tired eyes as I turned around my chair and looked at him.
"I mean, you and Henry....I'm getting very bored. You two are slow as fuck." He said giving me a displeased look at the end.

"What do you want me to do then? You think it's that easy? Actually for you, it might've been a piece of cake. At least Rose talks!" I said rolling my eyes and pitying myself.

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