Chapter 30; Conor

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Is it too bad to want better in life? Is it too bad to always want good for the people you cherish? Or is it just too bad to simply want?


I was sitting in my room after completing all the assignments and my mind drifted back to the talk I had with Henry yesterday at night.

"Don't you miss your family? If not your dad, don't you feel like seeing your mother once at any cost?" I asked him when our conversation got deeper and kinda personal.

"Of course. It would have been great if I could still see my mother but that's not how it works." He said with a dry chuckle.

"It's just that, I've learnt a lot of stuff now and I'm not a kid anymore. I've learnt to accept facts, even when I don't like the idea of them being real." He said with a sad smile and a little part of it said that he was proud of himself.

Trust me, I was too.

I got up from my desk and looked around for my phone. Where did I leave it again?

I didn't have to search much as I found it on my bedside table. I unlocked it and got disappointed to see no texts from my dad. Why wasn't he texting me since the past few days?

Gosh I freaking hate these mafias. One isn't talking cause he's way too busy and one isn't talking cause....well, he doesn't want to. Life sucks.

The day passed by not so interestingly and it was night. Should I skip the meal? Naah, that's unhealthy. But I can't cook well and I'm way too lazy to actually make something. A snack would work then I think.

I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of chips and walked out. Before I could walk up the stairs, I heard the doorbell ring.
Who's it right now?

I made my way to the door and found Henry standing on my doorstep with an awkward smile.

"Henry? At this time? Something urgent?" I asked after motioning him to come in.

"Yeah actually I need your help." He then took out his phone from his sweatpants pocket.

"There's this weird person sending me creepy messages and I just wanna block her. Every time I do it, she does it with a new number. You're into hacking and stuff, right? Can you trace her number for me?" He said while looking at his phone in utter disgust.

I took the phone from his hands and found that bitch flirting with him over texts. The fucking audacity-

Trace her number? Don't you worry Henry, I'd probably do much more than that.

"Why are you smirking like that?" Fuck. Why am I so obvious...

"Nothing. I'll do your work. Don't worry." I quickly composed myself and plastered the biggest smile on my face.

He was about to go when he noticed something.
"Wait why are you having that right now?" He asked, pointing towards the bag of chips I had in my hands.

"Uh..I don't feel like making dinner." I excused myself. Or actually tried to excuse myself.

"Wait that's not good." He looked at me with a pout.
Oh my god someone stop him.

I looked away from him, not knowing what to say. He was already distracting me way too much with that little face of his.

"Do you want me to make food?"
What? Now he's gonna be making food for me? What happened to that cold hearted guy who wouldn't even spare a glance at anyone.

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