Chapter 9; Chaotic Situation

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I was still thinking about that mark on his forehead when a voice interrupted my thoughts.

" Hey where are you lost?" Henry asked me when he saw my confused state.

"Umm....Nothing. Btw can I ask you something if you don't mind?"
" If I'll say No will you listen to me?
" Of course not."
" Then ask?"
" Umm....How di-did you g-got that mark on your forehead? "

No Reply as expected....

"Answer my question." I asked when he and his mysteries were seriously getting on my nerves.

" Why?"
" Because this is damn important."
" Actually I fell in the bathroom and there was a glass piece there happened."

" Do you even think that I will even believe in this shit?"
" I told you the truth if you want to believe then believe. it's your choice."


"Do you even consider me as a friend?" I asked out of the blue and I could easily tell the change of reaction on his face.

From relaxed to confused...

" Why are you asking that?"
" Just answer my question."

He was just about to say something when someone interrupted our talks.

" Sorry for the interruption guys but our work is done here and we have to go back." Henry took a sigh of relief and they three went from there.

Next day
~Daisy's room~

I woke up when my alarm rang. Alarm clocks are the best things to ruin your beauty sleep and your whole day.

I glanced at the clock and it was just 9:45 am. I mean who wakes up at 9:45 on a holiday especially a lazy ass like me.

Hey! What to do if I am like that? I am not an early riser like some people. I can bet I am the most lazy person on the planet.

I freshened up and went downstairs to greet my dad.

As I was on the stairs and coming down my dad's phone rang. He picked up the phone and started talking to someone.

"Hey James. How are you? It's been a long time."
" I'm fine too"
" So why did you call suddenly?"
" Ohk...! That's great. Ya she's in Harvard"
" Then they should surely come tonight."
" Ya."
" Ok. Then we'll meet soon."
" Bye."

I was just standing and trying to understand his conversation with James uncle one of dad's friend. Honestly I've not seen him because he's in Dubai since I was born. Seems like h came back...

" Good morning Daisy."
" Good mornings dad."
" Daisy I have a really important work for you."
" What dad?"

" Actually you know James uncle? There are two boys just like his own sons. They both are actually shifting near our house. They have seen the house. And the interesting part is that one of the boy is in your college. They both are coming tonight for dinner at 8 so you have to arrange everything because today is your holiday and I have other works too."

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