Chapter 13; Double Date?

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" I am his girlfriend."

I replied and the stranger didn't look at us again and went away. Who was he to ask me who am I?

Wait....was he the person who sent all the messages?

Or was he someone from Henry's past?

Still his appearance clearly told that he was no less than a criminal.
I turned around to leave and found Henry with a smirk on his face

" Girlfriend huh?"
" I-it just slipped."
" It was cool though." He said and started laughing his ass out.

" Aren't you getting late?"
" Have you forgot? It's 3 in the morning and i don't have to go anywhere so don't you dare to change the topic."

Oops!! He caught me.

" Don't you want to sleep?John might be waiting for you."
" Yeah!! Lets go."

After that we both headed towards our car. I started driving and suddenly he started laughing again.

" What now?"
" Your reaction." He said and started laughing again.

" Why did you mess up with him? He must be dangerous." He said after some time bit seriously. But why did he cared even if he was dangerous?

Maybe as a friend.... Replied my inner voice

" I wanted to help you and he was looking like a criminal so...."
" Then i must say Thank you?"

Wait.....Did he just say Thank You?

" Your welcome." I said and gave him a genuine smile which he returned back. I don't know why but i felt some weird butterflies in my stomach after watching him smile so sweetly.
I didn't realise that but we both were lost in each other's eyes.

That's when the reality hit us we realised what we were doing

" Sorry." we both spoke simultaneously.

" It's Ok." We both again did the same.

It was now getting awkward for both of us. It was necessary for changing the topic so before i could speak anything he spoke.

" You are an excellent driver. You learnt it from somewhere?"
" No. My dad taught me."
" Oh."

Then we both started talking, laughing and sharing lame jokes. And surprisingly he wasn't being the old Henry.

Today i realised one thing that he isn't that bad and it's just this rare side of Henry is hidden behind the mask and the mysterious Henry doesn't want other people to see that.

And now I am more determined to find it.

As i was thinking i realised that we were just outside the house.

Henry stepped outside and i was just about to park my car when Henry called out my name

" Umm.... Daisy."
" Yeah?"
" Thank you."
" For?"
" For Everything you did today."
" No need to thank me." I smiled and we both headed towards our respective houses.

Henry's P.O.V

I unlocked the door and as i was heading towards my room i found John standing with his hands on his hips and smirking.

" What? Shouldn't you be sleeping."
" First of all i slept around 9 so i don't want to sleep. And second of all, I took your car so with whom did you came home?"
" Daisy why?"
" And what took you this long that it took the whole night?" He is literally getting under my skin. And what does he mean by that?

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