Chapter 16; Almost a Disaster

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I looked around and found blood everywhere.
All of it seemed so real yet unreal. I couldn't understand what was happening. I was just sitting there in the pool of blood and looking around at the dead bodies.

So many people that could have been saved, so many regrets, so many memories, all futile...

I was shivering, sobbing and sweating. It wasn't something new but it was something terrifying.

I was suddenly dragged out of the room and put into a small cell. There were some people who's faces I couldn't make out.

The moment I start describing, their eyes, nose, lips and everything else start fading away.

They started hitting me. Badly.

I was slammed to the wall only to be kicked by them and throw up some blood.

It all went like that.
It was painful.
It was unfair.
It was unbelievable.
But, it was true.

I collapsed on the floor and when I thought I would close my eyes and meet the darkness, they opened up wider than ever and all I could see was light.

"Hey! Are you ok?"
I looked around and realized that John, Daisy and Rose were looking at me with a concerning look.

Of course they would be worried. I just woke up from a nightmare. I don't even want to know how panicked I must have looked while dreaming about that.

I nodded and sat back comfortably.
What was happening before I slept though?

Oh yeah! So apparently we all were watching a movie and I guess that's when I fell asleep.
They are watching a romantic movie. I mean, seriously! Are they in their right mind.

I was trying to divert my mind by thinking about all of this but I couldn't as it went back to my nightmare again and again...

Daisy P.O.V

Am I being too much or Henry actually looked like a little somebody trying to escape from the world at any cost while having some kind of a nightmare...

It's ok! People have nightmares! It's completely normal.
I should stop thinking about it.

I checked the clock and it was already night.
"Guys, I think me and Rose should go now." I said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Okay then." John stood up and so did Rose. I looked at Henry with a questioning look. He looked disturbed. As if someone or something just triggered him.

I tried not to focus on it and made my way out with Rose.

~Time Skip~
(At 12, night)

Me and Rose were sitting on the bed with each other, busy on our phones going through social media, when she suddenly started smiling looking at her phone.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked, turning my attention towards her.
"My mom texted me, asking about how we both are doing."

Awww... The way she was smiling when she mentioned her mom!

"Ohhh... I don't know much about your family by the way. Tell me something." I said, digging deeper into the topic.

She started looking down at her lap but after a few seconds, she lifted up her head and looked at me.
"I'm raised by a single parent. Only mom."

She was smiling and had no frown but deep down I knew she was upset.
I should do something to change the mood, right?

" that's cool!" She looked at me completely taken aback after I said that.

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