126- Your Worth

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Art by @ artsycutsy on Instagram.

(Incase yall didn't see on my message board then: time for another roleplay)

Um, hello! I'm Gappy (ghost Happy), i lost my last cannon life last night. I don't remember anything from when I was alive only that there was a lot of red.

I was told I use to be 'Happy' and she wrote this book. So i think I'll continue it :)


Summary: Tommy telling Tubbo what he really thinks.

This is going to be angsty :)


"Tubbo the discs-" the blonde screamed as rain poured from the sky.

"I'm the president, it's my job to protect my people from people like Dream..." Tubbo hesitated, "from people like you, TommyInnit."

"These are the discs we're talking about Tubbo. The one thing we've been fighting for!"

"Tommy don't you care about the citizens of l'manburg? Is what I'm trying to accomplish worth nothing to you?"

Tommy's expression turned to rage.

"You know what? The discs were worth more than you ever will."

"Tommy..." tears filled the president's eyes.

The blonde froze and realized what he said, "Wait no bubs-"

The brunette turned away from his friend, "I think you should go."

"I didn't mean--"

"You're exiled remember? If i ever see you in L'manburg again," he turned to Tommy with a dark look on his face, "I'll kill you myself."


Um, i hope you guys liked it! And i hope you like me too.

I think they're trying to bring alive Happy back, but...the voices don't trust them much.


(Sorry this was so short I'm in history rn learning ab ww2...i think-)

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