12- Babysitting

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Art by @ runeixx on Instagram

Summary: Wilbur makes Fundy babysit the children while he goes on a 'date' with Dream.

Tommy and Tubbo are twins here don't ask why--


"Son how do I look?" Wilbur turned to his son who just glared at him.

"What? Is the beanie not fancy enough?"

"Dad why do i have to babysit them? Why can't Eret do it?" Fundy complained.

"Eret isn't even here Fundy, he's in a meeting with Sapnap." Wilbur pulled on a black jacket ready to go.

"Is it really a good idea to go on a 'date' with someone who wants us dead?"

"He doesn't want us dead, he just doesn't want us to be free." He corrected.

"Whatever..well I guess you're leaving now huh?" The furry (I'm wheezing--) grumbled.

"Yes I am, and Fundy?" He put a hand on his sons shoulder and smiled, "make sure the twins don't get into the weapons room."



"Tommy?" Fundy called out, looking for the two children he needs to keep alive for the next hour, "Tubbo?"

"Where did they go??" He mumbled to himself.

"Tubbo be still or I might shoot you!" Fundy heard Tommy yell.

The furry quickly ran around a corner and saw Tubbo up against a wall with an apple on his head, while Tommy was aiming a bow at it.

"Tommy!" Fundy screamed causing Tommy to accidentally fire.

"Ahh!" Tubbo screamed as the arrow grazed his check.

"Tubbo! Are you ok?!" The orange haired boy rushed over to the brunette.

Tubbo looked up at Fundy and smiled showing his missing front teeth, "That was fun!"

"You're bleeding! C'mon we're going to get you a band aid." Fundy turned to Tommy, "You too come on."


It took Fundy nearly half and hour, but he finally got both boys to calm down enough to give Tubbo a green band aid, and get the bow away from Tommy. Fundy watched as the two boys whispered to each other occasionally glancing at him and giggling.

Before Fundy could blink the twins stood and bolted out the room, "Boys?!"

Fundy quickly stood and chased them, but the second he got out of the room he saw the boys run out of the walls of L'manburg and into Dreams territory.

"Oh no." Fundy grabbed a sword and followed the boys.


Wilbur was sitting at a table with Dream, they were both trying to work out something for L'manburg's freedom. Will was frustrated because the masked man just wouldn't agree on anything, but the Brit wasn't going to give up just yet.

"I think we're done here Will.." The man said standing.

"Wait what? We haven't come to an agreement yet!" Wilbur questioned standing.

"Wilbur, we aren't going to agree on anything and you know that. Here," He handed the brit a book, "It's our declaration of war.."

"Dream...we can resolve this peacefully!" He refused to take the book.

"I don't think we can," He placed the book on the table, "I'm sorry.." He walked away with his head down.

Wilbur watched as two of the masked man' s friend appeared from behind a door and followed him out. The brunette sighed and sat down taking the book and placing it in his bag, he set his head on the table.

"Will?" A deep voice asked.

"Eret..?" Wilbur raised his head and looked at his trusted friend, "I thought you were with Sapnap?"

"Oh yea..We finished earlier than I was expecting.." Eret looked at everything but Wilbur, "Uh..How did it go with Dream?"

"Not good.." He pulled out the book and tossed it to Eret, "They declared war on us.."

"...." Eret looked at his friend and smiled, "We'll win..and even if we don't we'll still have each other right?"

Wilbur smiled at his friend, "Yeah I guess you're right.."


"Boys? Where did you go?" Fundy desperately called out, "Oh god Dad's gonna kill me.."

"Ahhh!" Two voices screamed.

He ran as fast as he could in the direction of the voices, he saw the twins huddled together trying to get away from a zombie. Fundy readied his sword and ran forwards stabbing it and pushing it down, he turned to the two boys still hugging each other in fear.

"Run. Now."

The nodded and quickly ran back to L'manburg leaving Fundy to kill the monster that just tried to kill them. The sun was setting meaning the monsters were starting to spawn, Tommy and Tubbo both screamed when they saw something spawn near them attraction more monsters.

"Wait Tubbo!" Tommy pulled the shorter back by the back of his shirt right as a creeper blew up next to him.

"This way!" The blonde pulled Tubbo by the arm a different direction.

After a few minutes of dodging mobs they finally made it back to L'manburg, Fundy was somehow already back. He glared at the two boys, Tommy crossed his arms and glared at the ground while Tubbo looked over the taller's shoulder. The twins looked at each other and sighed, "We're sorry..please don't be mad at us."

"Please don't tell Will!" Tommy yelled fearful for his life.

"The on'y reason I won't tell him is because he'll get mad at me too.." Fundy grumbled.

"YAY!" the two boys cheered and ran around Fundy in circles.


By the time Wilbur got back is was nearly midnight, he walked into his home looking for his son and brothers. When he found them they were sitting on the couch piled on each other sound asleep, Wilbur smiled and sat down next to them letting out a small yawn and fell asleep.

We'll get through this war...


This literally took all day to write-

I'm tired and have a really short attention span I'm s o r r y. I guess that's it for now...

there's also a small chance y'all get get one more happy chapter before I harass y'all with more death...maybe..


also the two people who left with Dream were George and Ponk (did i spell that right--)


W H Y A R E T H E R E 3 2 3 C O M M E N T S???

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