153- Corrupt Thoughts

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Request: Ghostbur come back to life but not and Glatt kills someone by FrostnCripple

T/W: implied character death(s).

Note: short because I can't read well today and I'm overwhelmed :l

And platonic dancing at some point.


"Do it." Ghostbur softly whispered.

Everyone cringed as Phil drove his sword into his dead son's back, again.


No one said anything as Ghostbur's eyes began glowing black.

As he screamed loudly and grew horns.

---Ghostburs POV---

I felt a burning sensation in my chest.

I looked down and saw nothing.

That's when i realized i was falling, i looked back up and reached out for someone to catch me.

And someone did catch me.

It was Glatt.

He was standing mid air and was holding on to my arm as i dangled.

Swiftly he lifted me onto whatever he was standing on and just stared at me with his yellow eyess.

I knew what he wanted, he'd asked for it before and I refused.

But today if i refuse again I'll die to good.

With a shakey breath I nodded and Glatt smiled, his hand going to my waist as his other held my hand.

We spun a few times before he designated and my vision went black.

---Normal POV---

"Ghostbur...?" Tommy nervously asked.

The gray skinned brunette just smiled before looking over at the blonde.

Tommy gasped when he saw Will's left eye was yello and he had horns on his right side.

"He's not here right now, but I'll take a message."


The Ram's eyes flicked from everyone and stopped on Tubbo, who was hiding behind Tommy.

"Oh? Who do we have here?" Glatt got closer and Tubbo's ears flattened as he shrunk away from his father.

Stop it.

'oh come on Ghostbur, the kid is a weak little runt.'

No, he's Tommy's Tubbo, hurting him would hurt Tommy.

'i see no problem with that.'

The ghost grunted before lunging at Tubbo, the brunette screamed as he felt his cold hands near him.

Then there was another yell.


Glatt's hands fazed into the blondes chest and sucked the life out of the boy.

"No!" Tubbo screamed pulling the blonde away.

Suddenly Glatt held his head and his horn went away and his eye turned back into Ghostbur's eye.

He was back.

"What the hell?" Phil gaped.

"Toms?" Tubbo kneeled next to the blonde who had collapsed.

The smaller continued trying to wake his friend while Phil talked with Ghostbur.

"What happened with Glatt?"

Will pointed to his head, "He's still in here, I'm just in control right now."

"Why did you-" Phil was cut off by Tubbo screaming.

The two adults turned she saw Tommy was awake but something was off.

His eyes.

They were a dull gray color instead of bright blue.

Tubbo hugged the blonde but Tommy didn't hug back, this was weird since the taller never passed up a hug from Tubbo.

"Tommy..?" The smaller pulled away nervously.

Tommy said nothing as he stood up, leaving Tubbo alone on the ground, and walked away.


"...what the fuxk just happened?"


I think y'all should know: I'm dyslexic (my designated readers are Ricey and Vol) and that's why I don't like it when readers make chains of my typos.

Also Family Goals will be on hold till this book is done..


Im tired when everything hurts



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