140- Just A Target

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I've been bullied (not technically) out of doing the stockholm syndrome chapter :(

Summary: fancy dinner meet up where two best friend assasins (who are hired to kill each other) aggresivly dance.

I watched Mrs. And Mr. Smith and now I've got a reason to put Tubbo in a dress (up top) again and have (passive aggresive) platonic dancing :)

T/W: t w o  b o m b s

Spy/Assasin AU


"He's here." Dream said in Tubbo's ear.

The brunette looked around the fancy restaurant looking for a specific blonde, he reached down and grabbed his glass of water to take a sip. Then felt a hand grab his and pour water into the cup.

Tubbo turned and saw Tommy dressed as a waiter holding a pitcher of water smirking down at him.

Suddenly the music playing in the background changed and people began getting up and dancing, including Dream and George.

"Shall we?" Tommy help out a hand.

"We shall." Tubbo took the assasins hand.

"He probably has a weapon on him.." Dream's voice hissed in Tubbo's ear piece.

The brunette placed a hand on the taller's shoulder and quickly reached over and pulled out Tommy's ear piece. Before the blonde could say anything Tubbo dropped it on the ground and stepped on it.

"So that's how we're doing this? All right, two can play." Tommy dipped Tubbo and reached down pulling out a dagger the shorter had tied to his thigh.

Tubbo glared at the blonde and slid his leg causing him to go down, he quickly pulled out a hidden knife Tommy had in his sock then stood again.

"We could always forget about this y'know, and go back to being friends..." Tommy muttered.

"We were never friends." Tubbo quietly said.

The blonde studied the shorter for a moment before leaning down next to Tubbo's ear.

"Hey Dream."

Across the room two men danced, once was trying not to laugh and the other was glaring at the young blonde.

Then Tommy pulled out Tubbo's ear piece and dropped it into a drink some waiter had on a tray.

"As i was saying-"

"You we're never my friend Tommy. You're just my target, always have been always will be." Tubbo said with a glare.

"Hm, alright." Tommy shrugged.

"W-what?" The brunette looked up at the other with wide eyes.

"I'm agreeing with you, I'm just your target and you're just mine. No friendship." Tommy said slowly, watching the Tubbo's face.

"I...fine." the smaller said blinking back tears.

The song ended and Tubbo pulled away, "i have to go.."

As he ran up a flight of stairs Tommy called, "There's no exit up there bud."

When Tubbo didn't turn or respond Tommy slowly followed him.


A bomb went off up the stairs Tubbo had just climbed and Tommy shook his head grinning. His smiled faded when he turned and saw Tubbo rushing out the front with Dream and George, Tommy quickly ran after them.

When he got to the street they were already gone.

Everyone who was inside the restaurant was outside and it was just mass confustion. A man walked past Tommy and stopped leaning closer to the blonde.

"Kid, did you know you're ticking?" He pointed to Tommy's coat.

"Wha-" Tommy quickly pulled off his jacket and tossed it into a blue mail box, "get back everyone!"

As he yelled that there was a loud boom inside of the mail box.

Tubbo had planted a bomb on him at some point.

"You sly bitxh." Tommy laughed.


I like platonic dancing--

And insanity :)

But there probably won't be a stockholm syndrome chapter :/

Anyways it's 1:30am so i might write another chapter or pass out.

Whatever comes first i guess


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