8- So Clingy

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Art by @ livofine on Instagram

(Also this is the last fanart I have)

Summary: different times Tommy is the clingy one but won't accept it

(These are all different universes like some are Smol Tommy and Tubbo, while others are Tommy and Tubbo being the YouTubers they are now and not living near each other. This makes sence right? Right.)


"Wait so, Me, Will, and two others are going to team for MCC?" Tommy questioned.

"Yes." Wilbur glanced at his friends character.

"But I want Tubbo!" The boy whined.

"I'm already Teamed with Dream, Tommy." Tubbo spoke up.

"But Tubbo! I want my friends on my team." Tommy said slowly getting louder.

"I will break the other vlog gun Tommy." Wilbur threatened.

"But....Tubbo. My friends." He said quieter this time.

"He's so clingy." A voice said joining the call.



"Ok so Skeppy tell me--"

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled happily walking up to his friend.

"Tubbo!" Tommy said equally happy.

"Who's this?" The boy in blue asked.

"Oh this is Tubbo," he motioned towards the small boy, "Tubbo this is Skeppy."

"Isn't he the guy who's always following you around?" Skeppy asked.

"I uh yeah?" Tommy said slightly confused.

"Is he clingy or-" he cut himself off by laughing.

"What ?! No!" The blonde yelled, "Tubbo leave!"

"Huh?" Tubbo tilted his head laughing quietly.

"Go." Tommy pointed to the exit.

Tubbo pouted faking being hurt and slowly walked to the hole in the wall they called a door.

"I-I Tubbo wait no I'm kidding." Tommy called worried for his friend.

"Ok!" Tubbo smiled happily skipping back to Tommy's side.

"I'm pretty sure you're the clingy one man." Skeppy said to Tommy.




"K, so Will, Fundy, Eret, and Tommy are Seekers. And me, Georgie, Pandas, and Tubbo are Hiders!" Dream explained to the others on the playground.

"Don't call me that!" George and Sapnap both yelled at the same time, causing Dream to giggle.

"Wait, why can't me and Tubbo be on the same team?" Smol Tommy yelled.

"Shush Tommy, it's already set up. Next round you'll be on the same team." Wilbur told his brother.

"All right now hide!" Eret yelled.

After thirty seconds the seekers yelled their line and started their search. Tommy walked off in the direction of the woods while the others stayed on the main playground.

There was a flash of green and brown, "Tubbo?"

"Yeah-- I mean..uh no?" A voice answered.

Tommy giggled, "Tubbo moment."

He looked up and saw his friend sitting on a branch staring down at him.

"Hi?" Tubbo tried.

"Found ya!" Tommy laughed victoriously.

Tubbo sighed sadly and slowly dropped down from the tree.

"C'mon jail time for you." Tommy grabbed the smaller's arm and lead him to the 'jail'.

"But I'm a lawyer! Big Law!" Tubbo pouted.

Tommy let go of his arm when they got to the slide they were using as the jail. Tubbo sat on the rocks and Tommy sat next to him instead of going to fine the others.

"Tommy you're supposed to be helping!" Fundy yelled from next to the swings.

"But then Tubbo will be lonely." Tommy defended.

"You're so clingy Tommy." Wilbur groaned dragging a yelling Sapnap with him.

"No I'm not!" Tommy stood,. "look now Tubbo won't be lonely. So I'll keep looking now!

Tommy stomped off determined to find Dream.


There it's not sad y'all should be fine! Just know..I have two drafts one if happy the others is not.

Have fun with that information!

Also! Omg there's so many votes like I'm actually freaking out!!

Ok byeeee!

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