72- The Fall

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Art by @ emi.voorhees on Instagram

Video by the one and only SAD-ist on YouTube


Summary: The Election, Tubbo The Spy, Fundy's Betrayal, The Blade, Mad King Wilbur, Dre, and lastly, The Festival...

T/W: Character Death(s), violence, blood, spoilers to literally everything that has happened after the Dream War.

Guys this one is gonna be different ;)


Niki's POV:

"...is the revoke! The citizenship of Wilbur Soot, and TommyInnit!"

"NO! PLEASE NO!" I covered my mouth as tears threatened to fall.

I quickly turned and saw Punz and Ponk aiming their crossbows at my two friends.

I felt Eret place a hand on my shoulder in case I tried to run to them.

"Hey Tubbo!" Jschlatt called down to the boy across the aisle from me.

"Y..yes Schlatt?" He hesitantly said.

"Come on up here, you deserve a promotion."

"Tubbo!" I heard Tommy scream as Wilbur dragged him away.

Tubbo looked the retreating blonde then at me, before finally looking down letting his bangs cover his eyes.

"I...i need this.." i heard him mumble to himself.

I shook my head slightly as he began walking up the stage towards Jschlatt.

Is he going to betray L'manburg...?


Fundy's POV

"Tubbo will you be our Hercules Mulligan?" Wilbur grabbed the shorter by the shoulders.

"...! I know who that is!" Tubbo happily smiled.

Tubbo skipped over to Tommy so they could plan different ways they could relay information to each other.

"Son." Wilbur turned to me.

"Yes?" I took off my hat.

"We'll get through this ok? You don't have to worry, your father will make sure your safe." He patted my head.

"...do you have any flint and steel?"


Jschlatt's POV

I turned to the fox as the fire illuminated his orange fur.

"I need to know Fundy," I watched him carefully, "What exactly is your relationship with Wilbur Soot?"

Before he spoke, Fundy lowered his hat to cover his eyes.

"He was just a founder and i was just born here, nothing else..."

Tommy's POV


I watched as my brother fell to his knees sobbing.

"My son..!" He silently sobbed.

I kneeled next to him and silently rubbed his back, Wilbur quickly hugged me and continued crying.


Sapnap's POV

"But i have something that you'll never ever, ever, ever have..." Tommy smirked as we cornered him, "I have The Blade!"

Suddenly I saw a flash a pink next to me and came face to face with a diamond sword. My eyes widened as I turned and saw Technoblade glaring at me from under his pig mask.

"Who woke me up?!" He began wildly swinging his sword at me.

I tried dodging as best as I could but he ended up stabbing me dead on in the stomach. I cried out in pain before dissolving into a puff of smoke.


Tommy's POV

"So let's be the bad guys." Wilbur said looking at me all crazy eyed.

"Wilbur, you're being a moron!" I said trying to knock some sence into him.

"Quiet, I'm thinking.." he placed a hand to his chin.

"...." i grit my teeth.

"Wilbur." I heard a voice behind me.

I whipped around and saw Dream standing there carrying TNT. Wilbur grinned widely and took the TNT from the masked man.

I took a deep breath and pulled out my crossbow, aiming it at my brother.

"Wilbur, hand me that TNT. I won't ask a second time."

"I'll have...I'll have to step in here." Dream drew his sword stepping in front of the crazy brunette.

I shook my head and took a step back ready to leave.

"Tommy, if we can't have Manburg, then no one, no one! Can have Manburg." He grinned psychotically.

My heart ached at the sight of him, I've never seen him more broken.


Tubbo's POV

Me and Tommy sat on our bench listening to one of Tommy's discs, in a few hours the festival would begin.

"Tommy...you know how we started this together? The Dream War, and then we followed Wilbur and he started L'manburg?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah i remember Tubbo..." He smiled sadly looking at the horizon.

"I've gotta get going, Jschlatt's gonna be here any minute now.." i stood and began walking away.

As I walked away I felt Tommy grab my arm, i turned to question him.

"Be safe." He mumbled.

I smiled softly, "i know."


Tubbo's POV

"Wait! Schlatt..?" I held onto the walls of the box.

Jschlatt peered in to look at me, he smirked devilishly before turning to the crowd.

"Technoblade, your up!"

I watched in horror as the pinkette made his way to the stage and stood in front of me.

"I'll make this as painless as possible..." He loaded his cross bow with a firework.

"But Will said--" i got cut off by a loud explosion followed by bright blindly lights and pain.

I screamed as the fireworks burned my skin and tore right through my shoulder. I fell to the ground bleeding and silently crying from the pain.

"Tubbo!" Tommy yelled pearling down to me.

He jumped into the box and tried to help me up, but i only ended up yelling in pain.

"Tubbo come on, ya gotta work with me buddy." He pleaded.

"Tommy... you're gonna have to wait for me..." With that I disappeared into a poof of smoke.


Normal POV

Niki, Tommy and Tubbo stood watching the horizon, they held hands.

"We need to get L'manburg back.."



Love how my name's Happy, but all I do is write angsty stuff---


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