68- Horns

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Summary: That one AU where Tubbo grows horns like Schlatt's for some reason

I think this is what you'd call, 'Comfort Angst', or 'Angsty Comfort' or something idk--


"Tubbo why are you wearing a hat?" Tommy asked his friend.

"Um, I don't know I guess I just wanted to try something new..?" Tubbo's response came out more like a question.

The brunette turned away from Tommy and began doing something else while the blonde stood watching them. Tommy noticed something poking against the others beanie on either side, the taller leaned down to try and see what it was.

Tubbo side glanced at him and tried to shuffle away from their friend who only leaned closer.

"What's under your hat Tubbo?" Tommy tried to poke it but got his hand swatted away by Tubbo.

"It's nothing, I don't know what you're talking about." Tubbo mumbled.

They turned to leave the room and Tommy hesitated for a second before reaching out and snatched the beanie off the shorter's head, Tubbo yelped and quickly covered the side of their head.

"Tommy!" Tubbo screamed angrily.

"What are you hiding Tubbo?" Tommy yelled equally angry, "We're best friends, Tubbo! And best friends don't keep secrets."

The brunette stopped for a second then slowly lowered their hands and Tommy gasped.

Tubbo had horns, like Jschlatt's.


"I'm a monster!" Tubbo looked up at the blonde, tears streaming down their face.

"No you're not.." Tommy reached for the brunette. 

"Yes I am, I'm turning into the devil himself!" Tubbo's voice cracked.

Tommy said nothing as he wrapped his arms around the sobbing boy, Tubbo let out silent sobs as they shoved their face into the others chest. 

"You're not goin to leave me are you..?" Tubbo's voice was muffled by the others chest.

"No," The blonde pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears from Tubbo's face, "We're going to find a way to fix this, ok?"

"Ok, Tommy." 


this was short but i needed to post something, also get ready for a Halloween chapter and then at some point an extremely angsty chapter. Like I was told to give it everything I had, so as the King of Angst that's what I'll do >:)



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