86- Look Away Tubbo

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Y'all know my DNF book right? Well yesterday I updated an...interesting chapter, and Tommy and Tubbo walked in (imma need a lenny face e m p) and uh..

Summary: two children get traumatized--

T/W: idk man, implied Dreamnotfound aboutta fuc I guess--

this is gonna be short.

oh and it's like a mafia au or something-


"I don't think this is a very good idea Tommy..." Tubbo mumbled.

The blonde said nothing as he peered around the corner of the empty hallway, once he was sure it was safe to go he grabbed the brunette and ran down the hall. Tommy rounded another corner and crouched down pulling Tubbo with him.

"It's fine, if we get ourselves in a bind we can always use these," He pulled out a hand gun, Tubbo anxiously looked at it and messed with the one he had hidden in the waist band of his pants. 

The duo continued running down different hallways and finally stopped at a door that according to the mad they had was Dream's office. Tommy placed a hand on the door knob and glanced down at Tubbo who nodded, the blonde turned the knob and threw the door open. 

The scene before them was not what they were expecting.

Dream and George heavily making out on a couch, when Dream began reaching for the others pants, Tommy screamed, 

"LOOK AWAY TUBBO!" The younger blonde covered Tubbo's eyes.

"How did you two get in here?!" Dream yelled getting up. 

George was still on the couch looking slightly dazed trying to cover his exposed chest, Dream glanced down at him and tossed the man a hoodie then began walking towards the two now traumatized children. 

Tommy pulled the short boy behind him as Dream got closer, the man looked at him and saw how Tubbo hid behind his friend clutching the back of the blondes shirt. Tommy hovered his hand over the hidden gun he had, unsure if he would need it or not. 

"Get out." Dream said darkly, "before I kill your friend." 

Tommy's eyes widened and he quickly turned and began pushing Tubbo down the hallway, making sure to block him from Dream incase the man tried anything.  

"Guess we found his weakness." Dream turned to his boyfriend. 


I looked at the premiere on Dream's channel and everyone is spamming pog.


i have two new chapter ideas, one is sad and the other is just gonna be fun to write :)



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