Chapter 2

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The hospital was filled with patients even though it was early in the day. They rushed Moonbyul into a makeshift room that had curtains as its wall. Solar wasn't allowed to enter and was forced to wait outside. She felt her tears streaming down her face. She looked at her trembling hands which was covered in Moonbyul's blood. Her dress now has a crimson splatter splashed across its front. She lost all her strength and collapsed to the ground.

She stared at her blood covered hands and clenched it against her chest; the pain slowly pierced her heart once more. As though someone was continuously stabbing her, the pain was unbearable. Just then a pair of hands raised her up to her feet, she looked to her left and then her right. They belonged to her friends, Hwasa and Whee-In. They helped her to a nearby chair. In her panic she'd forgotten that she'd called them.

"Unnie, how is Byul-Yi unnie?"

Hwasa questioned Solar while Whee-In tried to wipe the tears from Solar's face. They were crying along with Solar. Solar couldn't find her voice to answer, all she could do was shook her head in disbelieved.

"It'll be alright, unnie. Nothing will happen to Byul-Yi unnie." Whee-in tried to comfort Solar, her voice shook a little while she spoke.

Hwasa and Whee-In tried to perk themselves up so they could be the support for Solar and Moonbuyl. They wiped away their tears and held Solar tightly in their arms, hoping it would comfort her, even if it was just a little. Solar felt as if everything around her had faded away. All she could see was the room where Moonbyul was being kept. She could pay attention to nothing else.

A few moments later, an older doctor and a nurse came running down the hall and rushed into Moonbyul's room. For the brief second that the curtain slid open, Solar got up to her feet and stared at Moonbyul. Her heart dropped at the sight. Moonbyul was still laying there motionless. Her eyes was closed and her blood was seeping through the cloth the nurse had pressed against her head. Solar wanted to rushed in and be by Moonbyul's side, but she wasn't permitted to.

"How's the patient?" The older doctor questioned.

"S-she lost a lot of blood." A younger doctor answered stumbling over his words, "H-her con-di-dition is—is—"

"What's her condition?" The older doctor demanded with a stern look on his face.


"Her condition is not stable," the nurse answered after taking a glance at the monitor.

"You! Get out!" the older doctor ordered and the younger doctor left. Then he turned his head to the nurse and spoke, "we need to take her to the ER. Prepare some blood bags."

The nurse nodded as they began their preparation to transfer Moonbyul into the emergency room. When the young doctor went out of the room, Solar, Whee-In, and Hwasa quickly came up to him and questioned.

"How is she doctor?" Solar voice was shaking. Hwasa and Whee-In stared at him anxiously waiting for an answer.


"Yes? How is she!?" Hwasa questioned in a commanding tone.

"I—I—" the young doctor continued stumbling on his words as he noticed Hwasa and Whee-In impatient expression.

At that moment the curtain slid open once more, but this time the older doctor and nurse took Moonbyul with them. Solar pushed the young doctor aside and gave chase. Whee-In and Hwasa followed closely behind her. Solar looked as though she was going to attacked the older doctor and the nurse. However, she was only following them as she checked on Moonbyul's condition.

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