Chapter 14

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When Moonbyul woke up the next morning, there was still a smile on her face. She turned her head to find an empty bed greeting her. She sat up quickly and glanced around. The sight of the barren room brought her loneliness. I guess she left already. She sighed sullenly before proceeding to wash up. While she was taking off her white shirt, she noticed a red lipstick marking on its collar.

How did that? She leaned closer to the mirror, making sure it wasn't her imagination. After staring at it for a while, speechless at her discovery, a slight reddish blushed was apparent on her face. That mischievous girl, she shook her head and sighed. As she was showering, the events from the previous night flashed through her mind. She gently bit her bottom lip and rubbed it, smiling as she reminisced.

Her lips were soft, the thought overflowed her heart with happiness. She leaned her head against the shower wall and rubbed her cheek, when we kissed it felt so familiar—as if we've done it before. She couldn't quite grasped the reason why. Have I been daydreaming about it? Have I always wanted to kiss her? She combed her hair back with her hand and let out a long sullen sigh; the cold water splashing against her back couldn't cool the burning question within her heart. This is ridiculous. I need to stop thinking about it. She tapped her cheeks and perked up, pushing back all of the negative thoughts before they could surface.

Once she was dressed, her belly announced the next item on her list. I wonder what I should eat, she tapped her chin and pondered while heading towards the kitchen. Is there even anything I can use? It didn't take long before something caught her attention. That smells good. Where is it coming from? She sniffed the air for a moment before noticing a plate on the table, a food tent was protecting it. The slight steam rising from the dish indicated that the food was freshly prepared not long ago. Did she make this for me? She rubbed the back of her neck and smiled shyly. What's this? She picked up a small folded note sitting beside the meal.

[Byul-Kong ah, did you sleep well? Does anywhere ache? You were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake you. I made breakfast. Make sure you eat it even if it tastes bad! >:P I'll be mad if you don't! I smell horrible. I needed to go home and wash up. I'll see you later. XOXO – love from your Yong-Kong]

Moonbyul couldn't help giggling as she read the note. She placed it gently back on the table and took her seat. She slowly devoured her food, enjoying every bite and the sweetness that followed. It's not bad. Should I tell her later? Just like the omelet on her plate, she couldn't stop smiling nor could she stopped Solar from occupying her mind. She ignored the blatant burnt and saltiness of the omelet, eating it as if it was the best thing on earth.

At one point during her morning, while she was taking care of the dishes, she began humming a song that had been repeatedly playing in her head. Where do I know this tune from? Was it on the radio? She pondered for a while but the answer still eluded her. It doesn't matter, she shrugged. She glanced down at the note Solar had left behind, what should I do with it? I don't want to throw it away. She turned to her left and saw the fridge. If I pin it there, she'll definitely laugh when she sees it. After thinking about it for a while, another idea came to mind, what if I put it in a book? Nah, I might forget about it. Wait, I know. She quickly took off her latex gloves and decided to go into the bedroom with the note in hand.

After taking only a few steps, her doorbell rang. This girl—did she forgets something? She snickered and shook her head. She placed the note on the table before opening the door. Once she saw who was standing on the other side, however, the joyful grin on her face faded into a forceful smile.

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