Chapter 10

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 Hwasa and Whee-In came back the next day to check on Solar and Moonbyul. They'd prepared a good homemade meal to share. On their way to Solar's room, they overheard people talking about a commotion in the courtyard. It can't be! They thought as they looked at each other. They rushed to Solar's room and checked Moonbyul's room to confirm their suspicion. As they thought, neither were in the rooms. They quickly headed for the courtyard, hoping that nothing bad would occur again.

In their haste, they almost ran into some patients. They apologized and continued on their way. Hwasa furrowed her brow, Byul-Yi unnie better not do anything stupid again, she thought to herself. Whee-In was also worried, she'd seen Solar heartbroken too often lately. She tried her best to keep up with Hwasa, but still ended up falling slightly behind. When they got to the courtyard Hwasa stopped without warning, causing Whee-In to bumped into her.

"What's wrong?" Whee-In tried to catch her breath.

"A—A—" Hwasa was speechless, her eyes wide opened as she pointed behind her.

Whee-In looked in the direction Hwasa had indicated and was caught by surprise, "Whoa~" she was intrigued at the scene in front of her.

It was a sight to behold for Whee-In and Hwasa as well as the random gawkers giggling nearby. Moonbyul's and Solar's bodies were pressed together as they gazed into each other eyes. Moonbyul's right arm was wrapped around Solar's waist. Solar's hands were placed on Moonbyul's chest. A big smile spread across Hwasa's and Whee-In's faces as they watched in anticipation for the next event that was about to unfold. Kiss! Kiss! They chanted silently to themselves.

Moonbyul felt her heart beating uncontrollably as she stared into Solar's beautiful eyes. It was as if a force was pulling her in, possessing her before she could even put up a fight. After a few moments, she snapped out of the trance and back into reality. She let go of Solar and backed away. She was lost for words. It wasn't long before Solar's stomach began growling, she blushed at its sudden outburst. Moonbyul pretended as though she hadn't notice and tried to leave. Solar grabbed her and linked their arms together.

"What are you doing?" Moonbyul stopped and stared at their linked arms.

"Let's go eat together!" Solar declared alone.

"Hey, I—"

Before Moonbyul could protest, Solar pulled her toward the canteen. Hwasa and Whee-In came out from the corner of the building, their disappointment was visible on their faces.

"They didn't kiss!" Hwasa sighed. "What a waste of a good opportunity." She shook her head. "The position they were in was perfect too!"

"I agree," Whee-In nodded. "It would have been a perfect picture."

"It should have been you mean," she exclaimed.

"Well nothing we can do about it," she continued. "Let's go find them."

Whee-In was about to go after Solar and Moonbyul when Hwasa stopped her. Whee-In looked at Hwasa, confused at the situation.

"What's wrong?" Whee-In questioned.

"Don't be dense," she furrowed her brow. "We should let them have some 'alone' time so they can better acquainted."

"What about the food?"

"We'll eat that together. Just me and you," she smiled and winked.

"We still need a place to sit. The canteen is a good place."

"Good idea. But—" Hwasa rubbed her chin. "What if they spot us?"

"We won't sit close to them. They can have their space that way."

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