Chapter 16

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Once Park Young-Sun exited the abandoned apartment and wandered off for a few minutes, she made a sudden stop in the middle of the sidewalk. She stood there for a while with her eyes wide opened, staring at her feet. When a young man accidentally bumped into her, she glared at him, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists as he passed, almost as if she was ready to murder him at a drop of a hat.

He quickly apologized and sped off, getting as far away as possible. Useless! Useless shit!! She stomped the ground in a fury, wanting to open a hole. Die! Die! DIE!! She continued, while everyone on the street gave her a wide berth. They avoided all eyes contact with her but she growled at them all the same. It went on for a time but she was showing no sign of cooling down.

I must do something to get this off my chest. It didn't take long before a twisted smile was twitching at the corner of her lips. I must go back. Yes, I need to go back to that room. Her giggled became louder, her face contorted. She rubbed her sweaty hands on her ragged shirt. Those useless pets can at least be a little helpful in this. It's the least they can do after fucking everything up!

She straightened herself and merrily made her way back to the abandoned apartment. What should I do this time? Break their legs? The very thought made her giddy. Ah!! I can't wait!! she was squealing in excitement one moment, the next she was clenching her fists and furrowing her brow. The thought of Moonbyul spending time with Solar threw her into a frenzy. What is that bitch doing with Byul-Yi? What? What? WHAT!? She angrily stomped at the ground again. Those useless fucks will pay for being so incompetent! Yes, they will pay. A smile donned her face once more as she turned her murderous gaze towards her destination. When I'm done with them, they will beg me to kill them!

Once she was standing in front of the building, she licked her lips as if she could taste her prizes. I can't let them see how excited I am, they don't deserve such pleasure! She took a deep breath and jumped in place, before putting on a dignified facade as she made her way back to room 206. She let out a soft chuckle at the doorway and entered.

The moment she stepped foot in the room, any shred of excitement she had was vanquished. She approached her diary that was suppose to be hidden in the drawer. Someone's here! IN MY SANCTUARY!!! She crushed a few pages in her fist before scanning the room, her eyes filled with hatred. When I find you, I'll kill you! She ground her teeth before taking a deep breath. I can't let them know that I'm here.

She carefully but swiftly approached a small metal box, hidden in the dark corner to the right of her desk. I must punish this perp! She ran her thumb on the sharp edge of the knife and let it taste the sweetness of blood. I will feed you more, she snickered softly before strapping the knifes to her thighs, one on each side, and fasten the taser to her belt.

Being as quiet as a mouse, she strode ever closer to the backroom, gripping a knife tightly in her hands. A rag was the only thing that was separating her from dishing out divine punishment. As she was making her entrance, a sudden buzz startled her. She quickly hid behind the wall, readying herself to attack the first person to exit.

"I'm in the abandoned building A137—"

Upon hearing Moonbyul's voice, Park Young-Sun closed her eyes and held her chest in pain, tears wetting her face. Why must it be you? Out of everyone in this world, why are you here? She dropped her hands to her sides and bit her lips until she tasted blood. Why must you dirty your eyes with these things? She dried her tears and furrowed her brow. It's not your fault! They're all to blame! She sniffled and sheathe the knife before unbuckling the taser from her belt. You won't hate me, right?

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