Chapter 8

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 Moonbyul was frustrated. She'd repeated countless times but Solar continued to cling onto her arm. Why doesn't she get it? I don't know who she is! Solar was giving her an unpleasant feeling, one she couldn't quite understand. What is this? Am I angry? Sad? Or is it something else?

Not knowing the answer made her frustration worse. The more Solar pleaded and cried, the more Moonbyul's emotions became tangled; which added to her growing agitation. Moonbyul wanted to be free of it, she wanted nothing more than to make these undesirable feelings disappeared. The only way to accomplished that was to distant herself from Solar.

Moonbyul yanked her arm away, which knocked Solar's down. She extended her hand but quickly pulled it back. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. She gritted her teeth. I hate this feeling. She quickly walked off, not wanting to look back and see Solar, not wanting to experience that unpleasant feeling again. Why does it feels like I'm running from her? Am I? But why? She unknowingly wandered for quite some distance before stopping and sitting down on a bench. Her brow was furrowed as she tilted her head back and covered her face with her hands. She sighed loudly as she tried to calm herself.

'I'm your moon. I'll never let your world be enveloped in darkness. I'll protect you.'

The echo sounded like someone has whispered it directly into her ear. She jolted up from her seat and looked around. There was no one close enough for her to hear any conversations, let alone whispered words. She sighed once more and took deep breaths to calm herself.

Just then, a sharp pain pierced her head. It was only for a brief moment, but it did cause her to become disoriented. She held her head and waited for the pain to subside. After regaining her composure, she thought someone was watching her from behind, but when she turned to look no one was there. She sat on the bench for a little longer before deciding to head back to her room.

On her way back, she thought about Park Young-Sun and Jae-Yoon, and felt no unpleasantness when it came to them. She was relieved about the fact. Although she still find it hard to believe everything Park Young-Sun had told her, at the very least Park Young-Sun wasn't giving her unwanted feelings like Solar had. Park Young-Sun is nice so far, so at least her intention is good. When Solar entered her mind, she furrowed her brow and tried to shook it off. I don't want to think about her. The feelings she's giving me is too confusing.

Moonbyul reached her room and began to undress. She had just unfastened the second button on her shirt when a loud bang rang out behind her. What was that? She jumped and quickly turn her head. Who are they? Two strangers stood at her door, one looked as though she was about ready to kill someone, but the other was calmer. What do they want? She'd tried speaking to them nicely believing they've got the wrong room.

"Can I help you?" She raised an eyebrow, curious as to why they had entered her room.

"Why you—!" Hwasa grunted.

Without saying another word, Hwasa charged at her and kneed her in the stomach. It would have been easy for her to avoid it; blocked it; or fought back. However, she instinctively chose to shouldered the blow without an ounce of resistance. Why? Why didn't I fight back? What's wrong with me?

Moonbyul was becoming irritated again. She was angry, but her anger wasn't directed at the two strangers in front of her, even though one of them had just attacked her. Why am I feeling this way? Why can't I explain it?

Hwasa was screaming at Moonbyul. She wanted to beat some senses into her, but Whee-In held her back. Why can't I say anything back? Moonbyul held her stomach as she gritted her teeth.

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