Chapter 3

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 When Hwasa and Whee-In reached their home and got out of their car, Whee-In quicken her pace toward Hwasa and hugged her tightly from behind. Hwasa was surprised, but at the same time she was happy.

"What's wrong?" Hwasa questioned sweetly.

Whee-In shook her head against Hwasa's back before she spoke.

"Nothing, just let me hug you for a little while."

Hwasa complied without hesitation and placed her hands atop of Whee-In's, which was wrapped around her waist. After a few moment, Whee-In let Hwasa go, took a deep breath, and wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"Let's go pack some things for Yong-Sun unnie and Byul-Yi unnie." Whee-In spoke in a soft voice.

Hwasa nodded with a smile as she grabbed Whee-In's hand. They walked into the dorm with their hands held tightly together. Whee-In went to prepared the food, while Hwasa went to pack the clothes. Hwasa packed about a week worth for both Moonbyul and Solar. She noticed a box of mint chocolate on the shelf in the corner of the room. She recalled that Solar always ate it when she was feeling down. She checked inside of the box to made sure there were still some left, before packing it along with Solar's clothes. She went and packed some essentials as well; such as towels, toothbrush, shampoo, etc.

Whee-In, on the other hand, was making some sandwiches. Once everything was ready, they quickly made their way back to the hospital. On the drive back, Whee-In's stomach growled. Hwasa opened a sandwich for her and fed her while she drove. They happily enjoyed the sandwich together.

When they got back to room 333, they saw Solar massaging Moonbyul's arms and legs. She was smiling and talking to Moonbyul, who was still laying motionless on the bed. Hwasa and Whee-In could tell that Solar was trying to be strong. She was forcing herself to smile in front of Moonbyul. They, however, noticed the apparent sadness lingers in her eyes.

Hwasa's eyes became teary and Whee-In wiped it away for her. They didn't want to cry in front of Solar, they couldn't. Solar was trying her hardest to stay happy for Moonbyul. They were hesitant to enter, but knew they had to be there. They wanted to be there. They brushed aside their hesitation and knocked on the door. They knocked a few times but Solar didn't hear them, so they let themselves in.

"Unnie?" Hwasa spoke with a smile as she quicken her pace toward Solar. "We brought you some clothes and food. Why don't you rest a little. I'll help you take care of Byul-Yi unnie."

"It's okay—" Solar spoke softly. "I want to take care of her myself."

"Why don't you get change at least?" Whee-In jumped in to disperse the silence. "We'll look after Byul-Yi unnie in the meantime, okay?" She smiled.

"Thank you, both of you." A sad smile shown on her face.

Whee-In took out a change of clothes, shampoo, and a towel before handing them over to Solar. It was a private hospital, so there was a shower inside the bathroom. Solar dragged herself inside. While Solar was washing up, Hwasa and Whee-In unpacked the clothes and placed them inside the drawers. They also set the sandwiches on the table. They looked at each other and sighed in unison. They went over to Moonbyul to checked on her. Her head was wrapped up as if it was a large cocoon. She laid on her bed motionless, but her breathing was calm and she looked peaceful.

"Unnie ah," Hwasa couldn't help but teared up, causing Whee-In to cry as well. "You shouldn't be like this. Yong-Sun unnie needs you. We need you—so hurry up and get better, okay?"

"Unnie ah, get better soon," Whee-In began. "Yong-Sun unnie is pretending to be strong and happy in front of you. She's really not, because—because you're not there smiling with her. You're not around to tell her jokes and brighten up her day. Her sunlight have dim without your smile, you know that? I probably don't need to tell you that. I know you care for her the most after all. So get better soon, okay?"

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