Chapter 4

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 Solar fell asleep sitting on the chair beside Moonbyul's bed. A smiled spread across her face as she rested her head on her arms. The wind slightly shook the window pane and garnered her attention. She got up and approached the noise, feeling the cool floor beneath her feet with each step. The winter night ushered her to come closer, wanting her to bear witness to it beauty in all of its glory. She lean closer to the window and placed her hand on its cold glass, as she watched the snow slowly trickled down. The millions of snowflakes blanketed the sky, causing it to turn white. It was so mesmerizing she watched them attentively, as if she was possessed.

A gentle warmth embraced her, wrapping itself around her body. She managed to pull herself away from the allure of the snow, and turned around. Moonbyul was hugging her from behind. She'd wrapped a blanket around them. When Solar turned around, she gave her a kiss. Solar's smiled and leaned back, resting her head on Moonbyul's shoulder as they watched the snow together.

"What caught your attention up there, milady?" Moonbyul whispered sweetly.

"Just trying to see if I could find you." She teased.

"Which moon would you choose then?"

"Let's see," she pondered for a while in a teasing manner before she replied. "The one my heart belong to, of course." She smiled.

"Then why aren't you looking at me?"

"Did I say it was you?"

"You don't have to. I can feel your heart right here, pounding out of control."

Moonbyul's teasing caused Solar to blush. They laughed and exchanged a kiss. They spent the rest of the night in each other embrace. They sang 'Love Lane', a song that held a special place in their hearts. Solar woke at the break of dawn, the sun was slowly rising over the horizon. She stared at her lover and gently caressed Moonbyul's face before she sighed.

"Will you wake up today, I wonder? Will I be able to see your smile again?" Solar questioned softly before she kissed Moonbyul's lips.

She went into the restroom and doused her face with water. She stared into the mirror, the person staring back at her was pale and lifeless. The room was silent, to the point that she could hear her breath as it escaped between her lips, and the droplets of water as it dripped from her hair and crashed onto the sink.

She dried herself off and dampen the hand towel in warm water. She brought the towel along when she went back to Moonbyul's side. She unbuttoned Moonbyul's shirt and gently wiped the sweat from her body. She thoroughly cleaned every curves carefully and delicately, making sure she'd avoid the injured areas. Once she was finished, she got a new towel and dried Moonbyul off, before helping her get changed.

Whee-In and Hwasa arrived early in the afternoon. They brought food and pleaded for Solar to join them for lunch. She was reluctant at first but happily joined them. As Solar was eating, she kept glancing in Moonbyul's direction; even when she was engaged in a conversation, she couldn't help but looked at Moonbyul as she replied.

The doctor came by later in the day and checked on Moonbyul's condition. Solar threw a barrage of questions at him, but he answered them indifferently. The first week was coming to an end, but Moonbyul hasn't shown any sign of waking up. Solar spent every day by her side; massaging her, cleaning her, singing to her, and telling stories. She would laughed by herself when she got to the funny part, but it'd only last for a few moments. She looked at Moonbyul and held her hand. I wish I could hear your laughter again. She'd teared up at the thought. I can't let that bring me down. I must stay strong. She tapped her cheeks and perked herself up.

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