Chapter 7

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So while I was editing this chapter, I kind of wrote some part in rhymes and then I wrote a poem because of it >.> Enjoy everyone :)

If you read it and it rhymes,

it happens from time to time.

When my poet side is released,

it runs rampant like a beast.

I'm unable to stop the flow,

since my brain commands it so.

I'm sorry if this is weird,

but it takes time to disappear.

Thank you for your time,

I'll leave before it becomes a crime.


"Hey, wake up." The sweet voice called out to Solar and shook her gently. "Wake up, sleepy head."

Solar opened her eyes. As the blurriness cleared, she noticed the person in front of her and it filled her heart with joy.

Moonbyul was squatting down beside Solar. Her head was resting on her hand. She greeted Solar with a smile, which Solar hadn't seen in a while.

"Sleepy head," Moonbyul said repeatedly as she poke Solar's cheek.

Solar smiled happily before intertwining their hands. She placed them against her cheek and felt Moonbyul's warmth, although it was bleak. She smiled sadly as tears overtook her eyes. She couldn't stop herself from crying, no matter how hard she'd tried. It was supposed to be a happy occasion, yet her sadness had became part of the equation. Moonbyul felt the tears running down her hand. Her smile vanished as if on command.

"What's wrong?" She questioned concernedly as she caressed Solar's face. "Did I hurt you?"

Solar sat up and shook her head. "I'm just really happy," she said instead.

Solar lifted her hands to wipe away her tears. Moonbyul took them and gave her a kiss to dissuade her fear. She held Solar's face in her hands, her thumbs wiping away Solar's tears. Solar felt Moonbyul's warmth lifting up her spirit and smiled with cheer.

She jumped on Moonbyul and hugged her tightly. Moonbyul was taken by surprise and fell to the floor with Solar on top of her. Solar rubbed her face against Moonbyul's chest. She sniffled as tears continued to fall.

"What's wrong?" Moonbyul hugged her and questioned softly.

"I had a bad dream," Solar answered sullenly.

"About what?" Moonbyul raised her brow as she ran her fingers through Solar's hair.

"You got injured," Solar said while playing with Moonbyul's collar bone. "When you woke up, you didn't—" she hesitated.

"I didn't what?"

"You didn't remember who I was," Solar said sadly. "I tried to tell you. I pleaded. But no matter what, you wouldn't believe me." Solar sighed before she continued. "You pushed me away. I was scared and alone. I didn't know what to do." She gently slapped Moonbyul's chest. "Don't ever do that to me!" She said, furrowing her brow.

"Ow~" she said playfully, looking up at Solar. "But I didn't do anything."

"You did!" Solar protested. "You made me cry in my dream."

Moonbyul pulled Solar down and hugged her. "What if it came true?" she said jokingly.

Solar lifted her head and slapped Moonbyul twice on her shoulder, a lot harder this time. She was about to do it again when Moonbyul grabbed her hand and kissed it.

YOU ARE MY HEART: Edited VerWhere stories live. Discover now