Chapter 13

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Solar, unsure of what came over her, closed her eyes and raised her hand against Moonbyul. It was possible that she was caught up in the moment and her aching heart dictated her action. She knelt down to pick up her belongings and watched through blurry vision as her tears dripped onto them.

"Let's go," Park Young-Sun spoke and pulled Moonbyul away.

Solar looked up and met Moonbyul's gaze as she turned around. Her sad expression hurt Solar even more than the pain of their scattering memories. Did I overreact? she pondered as she stood up to watch Moonbyul disappear into the distance.

"Unnie, are you okay?" Whee-In questioned softly, placing her hand on Solar's shoulder to comfort her. Hwasa did the same on the other side.

Solar shook her head. "I'm fine," she said with a wry smile.

As they headed back to Solar's room, she couldn't help but think about the way Moonbyul was looking at her. Was I too hard on her? She bit her lip and sighed. "I should go apologize," she blurted without realizing.

"No, Unnie!" Hwasa protested without hesitation. "You must be firm!"

Solar was surprised by Hwasa's objection. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you shouldn't let her off so easily."

"But she looked pretty shock. I think she was crying," she said sullenly. "I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"Isn't that all the better?" Whee-In chimed in.

"Of course not!" Solar furrowed her brow and turned to face them. "Why would you want that?"

"I don't," Whee-In explained. "What I'm trying to say is, if she's sad because of what she did to you. It could mean she have feelings for you or at least care about how you feel."

"Or it could be Solar Unnie slapped her too hard," Hwasa commented, which garnered a stare from Whee-In as she sighed. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding." She laughed nervously, before turning to face Solar. "All jest aside, you should let her come to you instead."

"How?" Solar raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the proposal.

Hwasa grabbed onto Solar's upper arms and said sternly, "Unnie, do you trust us?"

"Not when you're being mischievous."

"Do you trust us!?" She slightly shook Solar. Whee-In joined in on the fun.

"Yes." Solar agreed to calm them down. "Now, what is it?"

"Do you think Moonbyul Unnie likes you, even though she can't remember you?"

Solar smiled shyly at the thought. "I think she does, at least a little."

"Okay, then we have a plan." Hwasa grinned and signaled to Whee-In, who nodded back as though this was all rehearsed from the beginning. "Let's get out of here first."

"But shouldn't I still go apologize?" Solar questioned.

"Of course not!" Whee-In giggled. "That would defeat the purpose!"

"What are you talking about?"

Instead of responding, they each grabbed onto one of her arm and speedily dragged her back to her room, where they gathered the rest of her belongings. It garnered attention as gawkers shook their heads and gave them a judgmental look when they ran pass with Solar in tow. The embarrassed Solar struggled and protested but gave up halfway through, knowing it was in vain. As for Hwasa and Whee-In, they were having a blast thinking about the next step in their plan.

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