Chapter 12

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 Moonbyul woke up the next morning feeling a bit dazed. She rested her arm on her forehead, the event from the previous night flashed through her mind. Her lips were— She sat up quickly and tapped her cheeks. Don't think about it! Don't think about it! She gave a long sigh. Last night was... She rubbed her face and combed her hair back with her hand. The sun was high up in the sky when she glanced at it. She opened her window to take in the fresh air, smiling happily when she heard the birds chirping nearby. I can finally leave this place.

She perked up and stretched before promptly heading for the restroom. Her mind wandered once more while she was brushing her teeth. The image of Solar's fingers caressing her face; their bodies pressing against one another; Solar's warm breath brushing past her skin. Those lips, she thought as her heart began to race and a smile spread across her face. It took the toothpaste dripping out of her mouth for her to snap out of it.

"Aish," she leaned over the sink. "Why can't I stop thinking about her?" she mumbled.

She looked in the mirror. There's still a lot I don't understand. She held her hand to her chest and closed her eyes. As she felt her heart beating inconsistently against her palm, she questioned, what are you trying to tell me? Do you know who I should trust? She let out a long sullen sigh. If I follow my heart, will it mislead me? She ran her hand across the mirror to wipe off the fog and reveal her reflection hiding within.

Her heart felt heavy, almost burdensome. "Moonbyul, do you know what you're doing?" She gripped the sink and groaned.

When she left the bathroom and checked the time, at least half an hour had passed. I was in there a lot longer than I thought. She looked at the empty bag beside her bed and smiled wryly. I still need to pack. She picked it up and placed it on the mattress. If only my emotions could be sorted this easily. She was about halfway done when someone came charging in.

"Appa!" A little voice shrieked.

Moonbyul was startled by the sudden scream, but felt happy when Jae-Yoon hugged her. "Hey!" She ruffled his hair and picked him up, "How are you?"

"Good! I behaved!" He answered enthusiastically.

"What?" She raised an eyebrow, pondering what he meant.

"He really misses you," Park Young-Sun quickly chimed in. "That's why I brought him."

Moonbyul looked in Park Young-Sun's direction and gave a slight smile, before turning her attention back to Jae-Yoon. "You miss me?" she questioned with a big grin.

"Yes!" He nodded fervently. "I miss you THIS MUCH!" He extended his arms as far as he could. Moonbyul took the opportunity and poked his sides. He squirmed around in her arm, laughing loudly. "No fair, Appa! You're tickling me!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She snuggled him tightly, forgetting all of her worries.

"Let me help you pack," Park Young-Sun went over to Moonbyul's bag.

"You don't have to," she approached Park Young-Sun. Jae-Yoon had climbed onto her back. She made sure he had plenty of support so he wouldn't slip off.

"I want to," Park Young-Sun said sweetly. "It's the least I can do."

"I think it's better if I do it—" She wasn't sure if she should continue, noticing the sadness her words had brought to Park Young-Sun.

"Do you not like me?" she asked sullenly, gripping tightly onto Moonbyul's shirt.

"I—" Moonbyul didn't know how to respond. Luckily for her, Jae-Yoon broke the tense atmosphere and helped her escape.

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