Chapter 9

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 The next day Solar got up around nine in the morning. She stretched and put on a beautiful dress. After checking herself in the mirror, making sure she was cute and doll up, she went to find Moonbyul. She glanced inside Moonbyul's room and saw that Moonbyul was still sleeping. The way Moonbyul slept was adorable in Solar's eyes. She giggled to herself as she stared. She knocked gently and let herself in. She sat down on the chair next to Moonbyul's bed, smiling mischievously as she gently poked Moonbyul's body.

"Ten more minutes," Moonbyul mumbled after Solar poked her a few times.

Solar continued her mischievousness, causing Moonbyul to grumbled. Moonbyul finally opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the incessant poking that woke her. Solar's face was only a couple inches away. When their eyes met Solar blew her a kiss and winked, Moonbyul was caught off-guard and fell off her bed. Solar ran over to check on her.

"Ow—" Moonbyul rubbed her side.

"Are you okay?" Solar questioned, grabbing onto Moonbyul's arm and scanning her.

Moonbyul backed away but she didn't get far, the wall was behind her. "W-what are you doing here?"

Solar crawled closer while smiling flirtatiously. Moonbyul tried to back away but she was already pressed against the wall. Solar slid both of her hands up Moonbyul's body and pressed them on the wall just above Moonbyul's shoulders. She slowly moved her body closer and whispered.

"What do you think?" She lifted Moonbyul's chin and bit her lips sexily.

"C-crazy woman," Moonbyul got up quickly and rushed into the bathroom.

Solar giggled devilishly as she watched Moonbyul frantically dashed away. She gently rubbed her lips with her thumb as she slowly headed for the bathroom. She leaned against the wall next to the door and waited. It's been half an hour. She looked at the clock and the wall and sighed. What's she doing in there?

"You done yet?" Solar asked nonchalantly.

"You left yet!?" Moonbyul said grumpily.

Solar shrugged and said cutely, "I'll wait until you're done~."

"I'm not coming out until you leave!" Moonbyul exclaimed.

"I'm not leaving~" Solar happily replied.

Moonbyul anxiously walked back and forth in the bathroom, which was only big enough for her to take a few steps. How can I get rid of her? She scratched her head and tapped her foot. She's so weird! She placed her hand on her hips and sighed. Although, she's really cute. Moonbyul smiled to herself. No! What am I thinking!? She's definitely weird. She tried to think of a plan but none popped into her head. Ugh, why I can't think of anything!? She groaned and decided to sit on the toilet seat until Solar leave.

It was around eleven a.m. when Moonbyul called out to check if Solar was still around. "Anyone there? Hello? Hello? Are you still there?" Moonbyul sighed in relief. "Good, I think she's gone."

Moonbyul carefully opened the door to take a peek, checking to make sure Solar'd really left. At that moment, Solar slammed her hand on the door. It made a loud bang, which startled Moonbyul. Solar pushed the door open and walked in sexily, winking along the way.

Moonbyul could only took a few steps back before she was pressed against the sink. Solar closed the door behind her and approached Moonbyul. She licked the top of her lips and smiled naughtily. Moonbyul's attempt at backing away only resulted in the top half of her body bending over the sink while her elbows rested on its counter.

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