Chapter 5

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 Moonbyul slowly opened her eyes, but the sunlight was too strenuous on her already blurred vision. She lifted her hand to block the light, giving her eyes a bit of help in order for them to adjust. It took her a few moments to regain her composure. She felt a throbbing pain as though a constant force was hitting her head. She rubbed her forehead, hoping that it would ease the pain. This is not helping. I should go take some painkiller.

She got up and tried to move, but a dizzy spell took hold of her. She sat back down on her bed and closed her eyes. She held her head in her hand and felt it getting worse by the minute. Why does my body feel so heavy? She felt as though her body had been sapped of all of its energy. It feels like I've been asleep for a long time. Have I? Wait a second, where am I?

She tried to scan her surroundings, but it was hard to see all the details since her eyes haven't fully adjusted. She heard the door opened and looked in its direction. There were two figures standing nearby, one was tall and the other short. She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly. As her vision became clearer she looked at them once more, a woman and a little boy came into view.

The woman, who looked to be in her twenties, was dressed very elegantly. She had on a pink dress and high heels. Her hair was above shoulder length with pale purple highlights. The boy beside her was probably around four years old. He was casually dressed, wearing a pair of worn down cargo pants with a red t-shirt, its logo had completely faded. His hair was neatly combed, but he could use a haircut as his bangs were obscuring his view.

Moonbyul looked at them curiously while the boy hid behind the woman. Who are they? Do I know them? She tried to get up once more, this time the woman rushed over to help her. She bowed her head and thanked the woman for her help. The woman smiled at her. She have a very sweet smile, Moonbyul thought as she smiled in return. Not long after, tears began to form in the woman's eyes. Why is she crying? Did I say something to hurt her feelings?

Moonbyul felt as though she had done something wrong. I want to ask who she is. Should I? I don't want to hurt her anymore. She felt hesitant but decided to bring up the subject. We would have to talk about it eventually. I should just get it out of the way.

"I'm sorry to ask this all of a sudden." She paused for a moment. "Do we know each other?"

"You-you don't remember me?" The woman was shock at Moonbyul's question.

"N-no I'm sorry—" Moonbyul shook her head.

"Then do you remember who you are?"

"Who I am?" She pondered. "Who—who am I?"

The more she thought about it the more her head throbbed, until she couldn't bear the pain any longer.

"I'm sorry. I can't seem to remember."

The woman sat down next to her and held her hand. "It's okay." She reassured Moonbyul. "I was prepared for it."

"Prepared for it?"

"Yes. The doctor told me your head injury might cause you to lose your memories. It's not permanent, so don't push yourself to hard." The woman wiped away her tears and smiled at Moonbyul.

"A head injury?" Moonbyul raised her brow.

"Yes," the woman nodded. "You tried to help someone and fell off a building. You hit your head and broke your right arm."

"My arm?" She looked down at it.

"Don't worry. It healed already. They took the cast off not long ago."

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