[Chapter 45] "Reborn as a Dragon"

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(Alderam) - "Children, all the dragons are being locked in place. Kill them while I go deal with Assh—"


I go flying towards the entrance of the room.

(Azass) - "I warned you, now you will suffer the same fate as HIKARI the Dragon God of Light!"

I get up and take a step forward.



*Charlie P.O.V.*

Even though I tried to end him as quickly as possible, he still managed to get into his so-called 'final' form. I just hope that there aren't anymore after this. I swear to the author, if this dude has one more form, I'm going to lose my shit.

If I'm being honest with myself, I don't know if I can take this guy. It seems like Daisuke is out for the time being. If he manages to create more demons, they will raid the entire kingdom while I am busy with this Baal guy.

My thoughts get broken when Baal starts to brag.

(Baal) - "HAHAHAHAHA, after I defeat you, adventurer, I will lay waste to this entire capital. NOW DIE!"

I receive an attack, to which I bring up a crossguard and go flying downward.

Shit, he's a lot faster than he was before. If any of these hits happened when I was only a high schooler or before I received Hikari's blessing, I would've died instantly.

I sprout my wings and fly straight at Baal, which in turn smiles and receives the blow like it was nothing.

(Baal) - "Hah, now no one can defeat me!"

(Charlie) - "Oh yeah?"

Charlie goes for another punch, which turns into a kick.

(Charlie) - "There is one universal spot that is always the weakness of men!"

Charlie raises his right foot backward, covers it in more scales in a spiked formation, and shoves it right into his demon family jewels.


(Baal) - "*Hmph!* AHHHH!"

(Charlie) - "Looks like even demons are susceptible to the crotch shot."

Baal drops on the ground and lies there, unmoving. Baal looks up at me with a painful expression.

(Baal) - "How could I be defeated by a mere human!"

(Charlie) - "Technically, I'm half dragon or something like that. I didn't really research that much into dragon knights when I was at home."

I swear to bajebus if he gets up and says one more 'suppression' or 'this isn't my final form,' I'm just going to leave. Well, I guess I should end this before he has a chance to heal or enter another form.

(Charlie) - "[Weeb attack No100, The Goal of All Life Is Death, CRY OF THE BANSHEE!]"

A clock appears behind me.








A bright white light flashes all around us, and everything in front of me starts to disintegrate, Thanos style.

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