[Chapter 41] "You're still weak"

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(Azass) - "So, you've chosen death."

With that, Azass raised his giant arm and brought it down onto Hikari.

All Hikari could do was close her eyes and smile.

(*Hikari*) - "Sorry... Alderam."



*Alderam P.O.V.*

As I get the message that allows me to evolve, I smile and immediately choose the option to evolve.

(Alderam) - "Tiamat, stop biting the dragon; he's dead. Anyways, hey Tiamat, Taiyo, and Yami want to see your cool dad evolve!?"

They all look at me with sparkles in their eyes, but someone is thinking of something else.


Ignoring the pain, I realize something...

Oh shit, I haven't evolved in years, and I forgot the most important part.

I feel drowsy, and my eyes start to close on me.

Hell, Tiamat just shed right in front of me without even looking to be in any pain. The first time I evolved, I was in so much pain that it felt like every cell in my body was on fire.

Overpowered little brat.

I then say with a slow voice that has a slur to it...

(Alderam) - "D-don't w-worry *whisper* a-abou..."

I collapse and fall asleep.

Noodle is the first one to freak out with Tiamat letting go.

(Noodle) - "What did you do to dad!? [Tackle]!"

Noodle charges to only hit the brick wall that is Tiamat.

She then is alarmed and shocked when she hears a huge growl, thinking that is another enemy come to take her brother away. She looks at the dignified man that she calls her father to see him with his mouth wide open with large puddles of drool around him.


(Noodle) - "O-oh, sorry, Tiamat. How dare these dragons make my father have such an unsightly form!"

(A/N - Even with a monstrous intelligence stat, Noodle believes that her father is smarter than her and is just as prideful/elegant as Hikari.)

However, she notices a small change in Alderam. His scales are visibly starting to turn more black from their original dark purple look, and he seems to be growing larger.

Noodle looks back at Tiamat to see him with watered up eyes.

(Tiamat) - "Did. I. Kill. Daddy?"

(Yami) - "I. Fight. Big. Brother. For. Kill. Dad!"

Yami glares at Tiamat with murderous eyes and starts to release his magic, causing pressure around him.

(Noodle) - "STOP! He couldn't be killed by someone like you, Tiamat. He is evolving while asleep."

As all of this goes on, a wild Taiyo is seen on her back with spread-out legs snoring next to Alderam.

(Noodle) - "Looks like she got that from dad..."

*Meanwhile Charlie P.O.V.*

(Guildmaster) - "Another successful job Dragon Slayer Charlie!"

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