[Chapter 13] "The Village"

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(Alderam) - "Your opponent is me!" I knock him away on to the ground and look down to see the monster in a bigger picture. Hmm, a griffin didn't expect a boss to lunge at him as soon as the door was opened, but a griffin shouldn't be too big of a problem.

We all enter the door together as a 4 person party...


(???) - "It is finally prepared, the device that will be used to destroy our enemies. Countless lives were lost in the creation of this, but it was worth it to achieve our lord's goals. We will help him destroy everything!"



Jean P.O.V.

I still have mixed opinions on this dragon. Even though he doesn't seem to have bad intentions, I can't help but worry he will do something to us. I might be paranoid and annoyed at him for making me piss myself. Anyways, he saved me from getting killed just now when the griffin decided to attack as we opened the door.

No wonder that he looked cocky coming into the guild. I didn't need to interfere with the drunkard and him because that guy would've been destroyed without any problems. I don't know if we can see eye to eye in the future, but he sure as hell gave us a crap ton of money, so right now I'm not complaining.

Alderam P.O.V.

This griffin is nothing compared to the hydra that I just faced. The only problem with fighting it is that it is crazy fast and can fly. At least the hydra was somewhat stationary. Given my current circumstances, I am the same or a little bit faster than the griffin while I am flying.



[Race: Griffin]

[Age: 124]

[Level 70]


HP: 35000

Attack: 3100

Speed: 2900 (Flight 14000)

Defense: 3200

Magic: 13000

Intelligence: 2000

Luck: 0


[Fly](SS) [Claw Strike](S) [Intimidation](A) [Flight Speed](S) [Hover](A) [Air Slice](A) [Bite](B)

Special Skills: [Blind](A)

Passive Skills: [Enhanced Senses](C) [Magic Resistance](B) [Cold Resistance](S) [Pain Nullification](A) [Night Vision](S)

Titles: Griffin, Gryffindor, Floor 15 Boss


I'm officially done with this damn world. Naming the griffin Gryffindor? Either God had no taste in names, or the author has a horrible naming sense.

Author - Shut up, I can do whatever I want to you. :(

Did I just hear something, or was that my imagination? Never mind, I've got better things to worry about.

The griffin isn't very strong when it comes to stats, but his speed is going to be very annoying, so I need to find a way to restrain his movements.

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