[Chapter 34] "Battle of Gods"

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Flying back around 50 meters, I crash into a giant rock.

*Huff Huff*, what the hell is with that power!?

When I stand up, Daisuke is a few feet away from me with a wicked smile on his face. Cracking his knuckles Daisuke says...

('Daisuke') - "I really need to let off some steam. Man, I'm going to enjoy this..."



[A/N - 'Name' is their thoughts.]

*3rd P.O.V.*

Both fighters stare each other down as they analyze each other's statistics considering that Leo's punch didn't make a hole in this kid's stomach.


[Daisuke] (Leo):

[Race: High Demon]

[Age: 16]

[Level 83]


HP: 112500

Attack: 11000 (+1000)

Speed: 6000

Defense: 12000

Magic: 70000

Intelligence: 2200

Luck: 300



[Race: Dragon Knight]

[Age: 16]

[Level 84]


HP: 106000/107000

Attack: 10500

Speed: 9500

Defense: 18000 (+3000)

Magic: 27000

Intelligence: 20

Luck: [Absurd Luck]


Forcing himself to calm down, Charlie stands up and lets out a relaxed smile.

(Charlie) - "Damn, didn't think someone would get asspulled so soon since coming to this world."

Daisuke's face contorts into a frown.

(Leo) - "I have no idea what you mean by this 'asspull' of yours, but it won't save you."

(Charlie) - "Pftt.."

Leo immediately jumps at Charlie intending to throw a punch but is ultimately caught by Charlie.

(Charlie) - "Don't think this will be a one-sided fight!"

Charlie throws a punch of his own and sends Leo flying through the forest crashing through trees.

(Charlie) - "You may have a higher attack potency, but my defense far makes up for it!"

Leo gets up out of the tree he just crashed into and starts popping his neck with a small bruise-like mark on his upper torso.

(Leo) - "Not bad kid, however, don't think that statistics are everything [Holy Arrow!]"

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