[Chapter 12] "Realization"

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I take them up and out of the dungeon and head back to the 10th floor.

"Looks like I'm going to get stronger here!" As I walk to the next floor...

[Alderam] (Sora):

[Race: Adolescent Darkness Dragon]

[Age: 5]

[Level 44]


HP: 17200 - 44600

Attack: 2830 - 5100

Speed: 1550 - 2430 (Flight 6000 - 10400)

Defense: 2450 - 5250

Magic: 8800 - 15300

Intelligence: 600 - 1000

Luck: 750 - 800


[Fly](SS) [Fire Breath]( A) [Soul Tear](S) [Intimidation](C) [Dragon Magic](SS) [Darkness Breath](S) [Appraisal](SS) [Conceal Status](S) [Dragons Might](SS) [Flight Speed](B) [Hover](F) [Air Slice](C) [Communication](B) and [Skill Nullification](D) [Killing Intent](F) [Human Transformation](SS)

Special Skills: [Accelerated Growth](S) [Darkness Eater](SS) [End of Creation](SSS) [Darkness Illusion](S) [Pocket Sand](SS)

Passive Skills: [Calmness](D) [Weakness to Light](B) [Magic Resistance](SS) [Poison Resistance](SS) [Fire Resistance](SS) [Cold Resistance](SS) [Pain Nullification](A) [Dark Affinity](SS) [Dark Aura](E) [Darkness Heal](SS) [Dragon Language](S)

Titles: Baby of Darkness, World Eater, Small Dragon, Heartless, Lust for money, Alderam, Adolescent Dragon, Compassionate

Kingdom of Dawn

(Leo) - "What the hell do you mean that she's not here, you are telling me that she was near that stupid village near the ancient dragon? (sigh) I really want to kill something right about now. "

(Guild Master in Dawn) - "S-s-sorry Leo, they left to go to the Dungeon of Demise a few days ago, they should be in there hunting monsters."

Leo then heads to the village to wait for their return...



I believe my next evolution to be around level 50 which is going to be massive considering that my previous evolution increased my stats by so much. Speaking of that, all of my stats nearly doubled from leveling up 16 times. I guess [Accelerated Growth] helps more than I think it did.

I have been smashing through the levels below the hydra, but there isn't anything that is really special and I have been getting little to no experience due to the monsters being around level 20-30 on floor 11.

I finally clear this stupid level and since I'm already rich and don't really need any treasure. It makes clearing floors that much faster because I don't need to deal with annoying mimics.

I get on the 12th floor to find that the monsters now level 30-40. I guess this means that they will get harder very quickly based on how low you go. I wonder how adventurers made it all the way down to floor 22 because that would make the enemies around level 220, right?

It hurts my head thinking about that. I would assume that they don't get that hard later down the line, but I heard that they believe the dungeon to be only 50 floors, so it was said that it will never be cleared.

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