[Chapter 33] "Oh, no"

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It feels like cheating and it would be pretty boring, but it will get results even if I think it is cheating. *Sigh* plans for the future I guess, but for now, it's time to get Charlie to taste an ogre for the first time.

Why do all of the people close to me have to be dragons and a single cat?

*Sad Nightmare Noises*



*Charlie P.O.V.*

Its been a few weeks since I first arrived in this cave and let me tell you.

How could anybody experience this hell!? Being trained by a dragon is one thing, but I've come close to death too many times in my stay here.

*Sigh*, I have to put up with the training and near-death experiences so I can achieve my ultimate goal in this world.

My goal since coming to this world wasn't defeating Alderam, the darkness dragon, but rather one thing more important than them all.




How am I going to get a harem when I am stuck up in a cave!?

I asked myself this question and came to one conclusion...

To become strong enough to have all of the ladies gravitate towards me. The law of life is that women are naturally attracted to the strong and getting strong myself will only increase the chances of gaining a harem.

Since I am receiving training from dragons that make Gods look like childs play, I should be able to accomplish my task. However, I don't know if a dragon knight has to protect dragons or not.




[Race: Dragon Knight]

[Age: 16]

[Level 56 - 84]


HP: 53000 - 107000

Attack: 8000 - 10500

Speed: 6500 - 9500

Defense: 13000 - 18000 (+3000)

Magic: 21000 - 27000

Intelligence: 11 - 20

Luck: [Absurd Luck]

Skills: [Intimidation](A - S) [Appraisal](A) [Conceal Status] (A) [Dragon Magic](S - SS) [Fire Breath](A - S) [Fly](F - A)

Special Skills: [Annoy](S) [Weeb Attacks](SS) [Draconic Power](S)

Passive Skills: [Absurd Luck](SS) [Flame Body](B - A) [Magic Resistance](A) [Pain Nullification](A) [Blessing of Hikari](SSS)

Equipment: Dragon Scale Outfit (Defense +3000)

Titles: Strange, Dragon Knight, Lucky Bastard, Blessed, Working Brain


Yep that's right, I've turned into a mega-Chad.

I have gotten much stronger because it seems like sparring with dragons help raise your level. When it comes to the attacking department, Parthenia slaps me, but I have already surpassed a few of Parthenias' statistics though.

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