[Chapter 42] "Inner World"

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He speeds away, taking Tiamat with him.

Smashing his surroundings and splitting the earth, Alderam roars of pure rage.

(Alderam) - "DAMNIT!"

With that, Alderam collapses on the ground.



Completely exhausted from using his new powers, Alderam stays in a deep sleep while the children do everything to wake him up.

Unknowingly, the children don't realize that something completely different takes place inside of his head while he sleeps.

*Alderam P.O.V.*

I slowly open my eyes to see a luscious grassland all around me—no sign of my children, the broken ground, or the Azzhole.

Getting up slowly, I get acquainted with my new body.

(A/N - He's weaker right now because he isn't used to his new body and powers. He had to wake up and immediately fight.)

(Alderam) - "Where the hell am I?"

(????) - "I take my precious time to create the most powerful child of darkness, and you become mates with that wench. You also lose to that mortal dragon. I'm disappointed young Alderam for becoming so weak."

Getting out of my stupor, I turn my head around.

(Alderam) - "Who's there!?"

(????) - "Ah, right. I never got to introduce myself to you because I was... kinda dead at the time."

Slowly revealing itself, the entity looks exactly like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's Alduin.

(Alderam) - "Alduin!"

(Alduin) - "Erm, yes, that's uh me... your mom."

I'll still never get over the fact that she is my mom. I freaked out when I learned that Aludin was gender-bent when coming to this place.

You know, it is always weird that Parthenia is the only dragon in this world that talked like she was Shakespeare. It's like it was a plot hole or something.

Trying to get out of the awkward atmosphere, Alduin says.

(Alduin) - "Well, I'm here because if you ever were about to die or you needed some form of help, I could assist you. Considering that I am immortal, I could never truly die. Every dragon god passes their soul onto the next, so I, along with countless previous darkness dragons, reside within your soul or you would call it 'mindscape'."

A thought instantly appears as she says this to me.

(Alderam) - "Hikari!"

A tick mark appears on Alduin's head as she slaps Alderam across the face.

(Alduin) - "Your mother is here, and you dare speak of that woman in front of me!? At least say you are happy to see me! *Sigh* little did I know that my own child would be a reincarnated human."

My heart instantly drops as my face pales.

(Alduin) - "Did you think I didn't know? I've been with you for your whole life, forced to watch...'that' with that worm of a dragon. Still, I couldn't help but be amazed at your adventures. You managed to defeat one of the strongest mortals when you were only a few years old! In that regard, you are probably the strongest dragon when it comes to growth."

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