[Chapter 43] "Oh God"

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[Before this starts, tysm for 250k reads!]


(Dragonborn) - "Don't worry. I'll find you a body."

(????) - "Let me at 'em! I'll kill him to death if he dare touches..."

Since there isn't enough energy to take her main form, the orb takes shape and becomes a tiny girl.

(????) - "...my Rammy!"



*Alderam's Inner World 5 Years Later*

A beaten up Alderam is seen on the ground.

(Alduin) - "Maybe if you actually trained, you wouldn't get beaten up by a girl."

Tilting his head upward, Alderam gives his mom a deadpan look.

(Alderam) - "W-well i-it just *cough* so h-happens that this 'girl' is the strongest darkness dragon in existence. It doesn't help that you are immortal in my mind no matter how much I hurt you."

(Alduin) - "Well, no matter. How has Nightmare been serving you?"

(Alderam) - "Who's that again?"

Behind a tree is a certain cat that is hiding from the monstrosity.

(*Nightmare*) - "Me, you asshole!"

Snapping her head towards a 'random' tree in the distance, she shouts at the top of her lungs.


(Nightmare) - "S-sorry, my queen."

(Alderam) - "Queen? Why haven't you called me prince or something?"

(Alduin) - "Y-You've b-been disrespecting MY CHILD!?"

Rushing to the scene, Nightmare does a dogeza.

(Nightmare) - "A-Apologies, b-but he does not need me."

*Flashback in Alderam's Mind*

(*Nightmare*) - "Wow, what are these manga things? Naruto, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Bleach, and more!?"

Looking at the massive collection in front of him, he opens the first book he sees.

(*Nightmare*) - "Why does it say reading the wrong way? It's a book, right?"

After a few minutes of figuring it out, Nightmare is amazed at the great storytelling of the new books called manga that he discovered.

(*Nightmare*) - "I don't think he'll mind if I read a few."

Many Hours, Days, Years? Later...

(*Nightmare*) - "Yeah, I guess he's fine on his own."

He then drops volume 700 of Naruto. Doing some weird movements with his paws, he shouts.

(Nightmare) - "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

Nothing happens...

*Flashback End*

(Nightmare) - "I was paying close attention and not slacking while in his mind. I would never disrespect the being that is your child and was ready to leap in to protect him!"

Alderam and Alduin look at each other before locking onto Nightmare at the same time.

(Alduin/Alderam) - "Not buying it!"

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