[Chapter 7] "Snap back to Reality"

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I started to walk out of the cave when I felt killing intent. I start to back up and see a single man clad in pure white armor with a golden cross running through the middle of his armor.

He unsheathes his pure white sword and points it at me.

(Leo) - "After 5 long years of hunting, I found you, you little bastard!"

He rushes at me and even though he looks to be a pure man on the outside. He had the darkest look that is looking right through my soul and the most horrifying smile I have ever seen in my life. Even though I have been 'alive' for 28 years, I have never been more frightened in my life.



I stand still as I do not know what to do. This man is fully blood-lusted and I believe that he wants to kill me for fun rather than me being a threat.

Damn, even though I fell thousands of feet off of a mountain, it was hard to move due to his aura. 


The human [Leo] has a higher skill level of [Conceal] and therefore, you will not be able to read all of his statistics.


[Holy Knight] (Leo):

[Race: High Human]

[Age: 41]

[Level 156]


HP: ?????

Attack: ?????

Speed: ?????

Defense: ?????

Magic: ?????

Intelligence: ?????

Luck: ?????

Skills: ?????

Special Skills: ?????

Passive Skills: ?????

Equipment: Holy Sword (Attack +1000), Holy Chestplate (Defense + 1400), Holy Leggings (Speed +250, Defense +750), Holy Boots (Speed +800), Swordsman Gloves (Attack +200, Defense +100).

Titles: Holy Knight, God Slayer, Swordsman, Leo, S ranked Adventurer, Dragon Slayer, Sun God Leo.


Oh man, some of his stats are at least in the 5 digit category... I don't stand a chance against him with the way I am now. This man is the person they probably sent after me when I took out those A ranks. This man is on a whole other level.

(Leo) - "You know it is very rude to look at someone's status without their consent!"

(Parthenia) - "Alderam!"

I snap back to reality and look in front of me to see Parthenia with a bright sword running through her wing. The sword moves up to make a pure cut through her left wing.

No... Stop... Stop it!!

I run towards Leo, but am interrupted by a tail smashing into me making me fly backwards.

(Parthenia) - "You need to go now! I will be fine against this puny mortal. I wasn't your mother's right-hand woman for nothing!"

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