[Chapter 20] "Two Rivals Finally Meet Again"

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We both walk over to where the door is and fire our strongest breath attacks which mine can now match hers. The barrier starts to crack and then shatters after around 10 seconds.

(Alderam) - "Let us go..."



As I and Hikari start to head down to the lower floors, I decided to take a look at my status as I believe that it is going to be crazy due to my evolution.

Let's just see how broken my abilities are now... (Sigh)


[Alderam] (Sora):

[Race: Adult - Ancient Darkness Dragon]

[Age: 5 - 10]

[Level 75 - 100]


HP: 142000 - 425000

Attack: 17000 - 36000

Speed: 7500 - 14000 (Flight 24000 - 55000)

Defense: 18500 - 32500

Magic: 30000 - 100000

Intelligence: 1500 - 2000

Luck: 1400

Skills: [Fly](SS) [Fire Breath](SS - SSS) [Soul Tear](S -SS) [Intimidation](S) [Dragon Magic](SSS) [Darkness Breath](SSS) [Appraisal](SS - SSS) [Conceal Status](SS) [Dragons Might](SS - SSS) [Flight Speed](S) [Hover](S) [Air Slice](S) [Communication](S - SS) [Killing Intent](B - A) [Size Manipulation](A - S) [Telepathy](S) [Dimensional Storage](A) [Darkness Slash](SS - SSS) [Human Transformation](SS)

Special Skills: [Accelerated Growth](S) [Darkness Eater](SSS) [End of Creation](SSS) [Darkness Illusion](SS) [Pocket Sand](SS) [Blind](A - S)

Passive Skills: [Calmness](SS) [Magic Resistance](SS) [Poison Resistance](SS) [Fire Resistance](SS) [Cold Resistance](SS) [Pain Nullification](A - S) [Dark Affinity](SS) [Dark Aura](E - SS) [Darkness Heal](SS - SSS) [Dragon Language](S - SS) [Sand Throw](SS)

Titles: Baby of Darkness, World Eater, Small Dragon, Heartless, Lust for money, Alderam, Adolescent Dragon, Compassionate, Cold-Blooded Killer, Sand Maniac, Underdog, Ohh Shiny


I don't even know what to say at this point in time. Honestly, I couldn't say that I didn't see this coming, but it is crazy to look at how high the numbers actually are. Hey, wait a minute...

Karen, why is skill nullification off of my skill list?

Answer: All of your skills are too powerful to be nullified, so I have removed it therefore the skill [Dark Aura] is now back into effect as an SS skill.

Well isn't this just dandy? I will basically be walking around with my zipper down everywhere I go now. However, the boost in power is so very nice. It was also nice that my height didn't grow at all probably due to my being at my maximum height limit.

If I remember correctly, Parthenia was an ancient dragon, but I guess that me being the literal spawn of this world's version of satan made me a lot stronger than her while I am in this evolution.

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