[Chapter 16] "What the Hell?"

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To Ellie, Ellie P.O.V.

I slowly open my eyes to see a bright light and quickly shut them slowly to adjust to the lighting. I find myself in a carriage and my hands are still bound. I look over to my right to see a man in a strange blue outfit.

(Ralof) - "You're finally awake."



Alderam POV

So, the dungeon master has made himself known huh? I am personally going to shove that note right down his throat when I reach the 50th floor. All of that hype just for a single note with no value. Reaching the 40th floor was very easy because I wanted to get this over with so I could meet this little gremlin.

As I reached the 40th floor I looked at the door and it had the shape of a creature halfway in the ground. I pushed open the door and the room consisted of a dark cave system, so I knew I was going to have some trouble. Inside the cave was completely dark. It was not like it was night time, but it was completely black to where you couldn't see two feet in front of you. 

Nightmare really came in handy when it came to this by guiding me in the right direction. Being a type of cat helped me get through the cave. He decided to have a little fun with me by running me into some of the walls like the little shit he is.

I figured out that I could just spam "Appraisal" to constantly check things out so I could work around his misdirections. It's not like I ran out of magic because the cost of it is basically nothing when you look at my magic reserves.

I ran into an interesting being that consisted of a giant mole type creature that seemed like it didn't have eyes. His race must have had to adapt to the environment to survive so I knew this guy was going to be tricky. It was too small to be the boss of this room so I wonder if it's this things dad.

I had to make myself into my human form due to the smaller cave and I learned the hard way that the [Size Manipulation] drains magic as long as you are using it. I either had to use my big form or risk wasting magic. My human transformation does little to nothing in terms of magic because of its high skill level (SS).



[Race: Demon Mole]

[Age: 800]

[Level 65]


HP: 15000

Attack: 12000

Speed: 17500

Defense: 2000

Magic: 4000

Intelligence: 1300

Skills: [Intimidation](D) [Dig](SS) [Three Claw Slash](SS) [Screech](A) [Speed Boost](SS)

Special Skills: [Ninja Art: Whack a Mole Justu](SS) [Sand Throw](A) [Blind](A)

Passive Skills: [Earth Resistance](S) [Extreme Instinct](SS) [Earth Sense](SS)

Titles: [Annoying as Hell, Floor 40 Boss, Brat, Demon Mole]


Uhh, this had me worried because I was nearly face to face with the boss. I was confused looking at his status seeing that he doesn't look all that strong, but when I saw his skills...

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