[Chapter 31] "Knight"

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As we arrive at a giant mountain, I can't help but have my jaw drop at the sight of a majestic white dragon with elegant wings and... what is wrong with its eyes? Its eyes are furrowed and are shooting a glare at Alderam. I then hear a booming voice that would shatter anyone's' eardrums.

(Hikari) - "ALDERAM, YOU'RE LATE!"

(Parthenia) - "Don't touch mine treasure thou bitch!"

Nevermind, I'm totally screwed...



*Charlie P.O.V.*

There couldn't possibly be something more powerful than the darkness dragon Alderam, the evil menace that can destroy entire kingdoms with ease...is what I would've said if I hadn't seen the being that he calls his wife.

Alderam is sitting on two legs and is getting lectured by Hikari. Isn't the dragon god of light supposed to be elegant, holy, and beautiful? That ideology of mine was thrown out of the window. After all this time, I haven't felt closer to death.

(Hikari) - "So, why did you bring this thing back to our home?"

(Parthenia) - "*COUGH* *COUGH*"

(Alderam) - "I found him outside being attacked by undead and wanted to save him and uh...he has potential?"

Why was that a question you jerk? I will be the strongest hero in the world I will have you know.

Hikari looks at me with doubt and asks me.

(Hikari) - "Hey, filthy mortal, tell me how you two met."

(Charlie) - "W-well m-miss, I had injured my knee when I misunderstood his actions and decided to atta-"

Alderam slams his tail on the ground which creates a dust cloud in between us and Hikari. He then looks at me, crosses his arms in an X, and shakes his head side to side mentally saying 'you'll die if you say that'. The dust cloud clears away after Hikari swipes her claws.

(Charlie) - "...and decided to attack the rest of the skeletons to which he was so gracefully nice to help me destroy. I was eternally grateful and amazed at his kindness and great power."

(Hikari) - "He is amazing, isn't he? I love him so much that if anyone were to attempt harm on him, I would slowly kill them making them suffer the worst hell on this land! I have decided to let you stay in our home human. If you go near our eggs or you do something I don't like, you will die, plain and simple."

(Parthenia) - "This is MINE home. Thee three hath decided to just taketh residence without mine permission! Thee now wanteth to add a human into mine home?!"

(Hikari/Alderam) - "Yes."

(Parthenia) - "*Sigh*, Alderam is one strange dragon...but Hikari is freakish."

(Hikari) - "What did you call Alderam!?"

Did she completely ignore the fact that she was called a freak? I think I would have been safer surrounded by a tomb and a forest during the night than with these weirdos. I always thought dragons were giant arrogant beasts that killed everything that bothered them.

(A/N - They are, but Alderam is there lol)

(Parthenia) - "Why is this human so weak? In all mine years, I hath never seen one so...pathetic."

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