[Chapter 46] "What is going on?"

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(Alderam) - "I never believed in him until he visited me personally. I didn't realize it then, but an Isekai life is not as amazing as it seems. Truck-Kun gave me the taste of death. I thought I was dead and in the afterlife until I was...




...Reborn as a Dragon."



(Azass) - "While I still don't quite understand what you are saying, there is a being that surpasses both of us? If there is, the entity you described could only be a god."

(Alderam) - "*Whisper* The god of Isekai novels."

(Azass) - "What have we to fear, in my thousands of years of living, I've never once heard the name Truck. The only one who stands my way is the dragon that stands in front of me now."

(Alderam) - "Off-topic question, if you die, will you get your soul preserved or something?"

Gritting his teeth at that question, Azass gets into a strange stance.

(Azass) - "You'll never get the chance to find out! Now, if you're finished rambling, let us finish this!"

(Alderam) - "Aight, good with me. I'll need to figure out how to bring Hikari back after you die."

(Azass) - "Show despair, as few have seen this attack and even fewer have survived." 

Shining a bright light, Azass reveals his final trump card, the stardust cannon.

(Alderam) - "Since you are using your trump card, I guess I should show mine."

Since his mother's training, Alderam has perfected [End of Creation] to reach its final stages; reaching god level. It even became almost as strong as the most potent skill in his arsenal in his past life, [Pocket Sand].

A dark aura creeps out of Alderam that gets larger and denser as the seconds pass. Unlike Alderam, Azass's chest is enlarging with his whole body shining a bright light.

(Azass) - "[Stardust Cannon]!"
(Alderam) - "[End of Creation]!"

A rainbow beam shoots out of Azass's mouth while a massive shadowy figure forms itself into a dragon that flies forward, crashing into each other.

(Alderam/Azass) - "Die!"


Darkness covers the light before exploding, creating a black hole-like appearance. Both Azass and Alderam both end up getting caught in the explosion, and the entire mountain explodes into thousands of pieces flying all over the dragon kingdom.

When the explosion dies down, all that is seen is rubble all over the whole kingdom. After a few minutes, many dragons can be seen peeking out from behind rocks looking at the destruction caused by their king and the intruder.

It starts to rain like every important battle's conclusion.

Suddenly, some rubble can be seen moving.

*Alderam P.O.V.*

(Alderam) - "*Cough Cough* Ugh, that felt like getting run over by a car. Well... it looks like I won then."

Standing tall, I look towards the other side.


Some rubble moves on the other side, and Azass stands up before immediately falling back down.

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