[Chapter 21] "The Battle"

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[Before this starts...holy shit, 50k reads is crazy. I never thought I would ever reach that considering that I started this just because I was bored lol. Thank you guys so, so much for all of the support and feedback. I accept all feedback including negative feedback. If you have negative feedback, please let me know what you don't like so I can fix it in the future. I'll stop rambling now, so enjoy the chapter!✌️]



The color drops from my face when Hikari nails Leo in the chest with her tail and he goes flying into the wall. Thank God that I didn't fight this lady.

I walk over to Leo as he is planted in the wall and I say...

(Alderam) - "Meet my...my...my..." I struggle to get it out because I just can't say it.

(Alderam) - "...Wife Hikari."



Man, five years can really change a man considering that I was scared shitless when I first saw Hikari's status but spending five years with somebody makes you grow close to each other. Looking past her...interesting...personality, she is very nice and is more than just a lonely freak.

[A/N - Don't worry guys, this isn't turning into a romance novel and I'm not doing a harem]

Oh shit, I totally forgot about the guy on the wall. To be honest, I don't know if he could've survived it or not considering that he still isn't out of the rubble after 30 seconds.

I turn around for a brief second and see a passed out Hikari behind me.

Well shit, there goes my trump card against this dude. She has been pushing it for five years and passes out now of all times when I actually say it?

I hear a noise near the rubble and turn back around to see Leo getting out with messy hair and severely cracked armor.

Well damn, that is some plot armor if I have ever seen it (No pun intended). He should've died from that and you are telling me that he is able to move after that?

(Leo) - "You damn reptile, I'll make your deaths painful and slow!

As he screams at the top of his lungs, he shoots light everywhere and starts to set the trees and wildlife on fire while I cover my body as to not get hit. Hey, I am fast but not as fast as the speed of light.

(Alderam) - "You're going to burn down this entire floor!"

(Leo) - "Why should I care!?"

(Alderam) - "Okay boomer."

Leo is totally blood lusted right now and doesn't have the energy to keep repeating the same phrases anymore like 'imma kill u for your bad tone to me'. Did the author really not have the ability to write the character differently?

(Author - I'm 10 seconds away from Thanos snapping you.)

Okay sorry, but back to the main event. I feel a slight burn on the side of my body as even though I am not weakened by the holy element and am this strong, I still can feel his attacks.

My stats outclass him by almost double, but he has way more experience than me which will give me a decent challenge.

(*Nightmare*) - "Hey ram ram, let me fight. I haven't fought anyone strong recently and would like to take a crack at him. I really haven't been relevant in this story since we were fighting the spider queen."

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