The Summer Song of the Year

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Y/N was panicking from head to foot. He never really expected Shuhua to do that then and there. At some point he knew that she’s going to jump in the water but not in that, nerve-wracking way. The pair of the boat staff was equally surprised as he was, and as they stare at the outline of Shuhua’s submerged body underneath while they all waited for her to resurface.

But Y/N could not count on her to resurface on her own. In his mind, if Shuhua gets overwhelmed by her fear, there’s a small chance that she could gather herself and swim properly. He’s not even sure if she knows how to swim given her fear of the water, and because of that he decided to follow after her as he too jumped face-first into the clear waters of Bora-Bora.

He was able to make out Shuhua’s faint outline despite being under the water, and it was all thanks to the clarity of the ocean. Y/N clearly saw Shuhua’s colored shirt amongst the underwater visual noise of the sand and the water and he immediately swam towards her figure.  She was trying her best to swim as she was visibly kicking the water around her but she’s doing it with such force that she’s merely doing anything to move. As soon as his body got in contact with hers, Y/N immediately held her hand and pulled it towards him and placed them on his shoulder. He then hoisted Shuhua by her legs and did his best to push her upwards for her to gain air. Soon after, he joined Shuhua at the surface.

“Oh my God I didn’t expect that it was that deep,” Shuhua exclaimed after clearing water from her mouth. She then flung her arms around Y/N’s neck and he in turn involuntarily wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Shuhua you’re crazy!” Y/N exclaimed. “You actually jumped! Why did you jump like that? Do you have any idea how deep this thing is? You’re crazy!”

“I thought it was shallow! It looked pretty shallow!” She explained before pressing her body closer towards Y/N and holding his face. “I’m so sorry. I falsely assessed that. That was so stupid.”

Y/N felt his cheeks flush

Oh my God… Holy shit…

“I just realized I’m still afraid of water, oppa…” she remarked.



“Oppa… can we get out of the water now? I feel embarrassed around everyone. I just realized everyone was watching us just now.”

Oh no I want to stay here in this moment forever.


Y/N realized how awkward their position was. He looked around him, only to see the other members of (G) I-DLE anticipating what would happen next. They were all pretty much held in shock and surprise while the two figures of Shuhua and Y/N were literally hugging each other in the middle of the water.

“Oh sorry,” Y/N blushed and turned towards the boat staff. “I’m sorry about that but can you row towards that villa? I’ll just… hitch.”

The middle aged row man was still in confusion but he too seemed to have realized what the hell just happened and nodded in response.

“Just stay behind me Shushu and paddle your feet while we move and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Shuhua nodded before going towards his back and then wrapping her arms around his neck as they swam with the boat.


“I still can’t believe you did that,” Soyeon remarked as she stood over the balcony with the rest of the members of (G) I-DLE circling me and Shuhua. “It’s really unnecessary but I commend how brave you were, Shushu.”

(G)I-DLE: First (18+)Where stories live. Discover now