Six in One

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“Oppa, you saw that right?” Yuqi approached me as soon as we were out of the conference room, casually walking together with no distinct plan where to go and whatsoever.

“Yes I did. I’m still working on believing in it,” I replied.

I tried to keep my demeanour as calm as possible, but then the sudden surge of events are too much to take in. As Yuqi and I walked out of the conference room almost at the same pace, my heart raced heavily and I felt the cold trickle of sweat run down from my temple to my chin. I literally stormed off out of the room as soon as sunbae said we could go already, but I made it such a way that I looked like I swiftly walked outside. Although, it’s no secret that I stormed off of the room because I was jealous. It was a surprise that Yuqi followed after me, but then maybe it was what I needed as well. She saw what Soojin did after all, and I am more than happy to share my confusion and possibly even lingering jealousy with someone else.

“I was surprised you walked out of the room almost immediately,” Yuqi said. “I thought I wanted to confirm what I saw with you oppa.”

“I was too. I think I stormed out of the door because I wanted to talk to Hui-hyung.”


Well… I want to talk to him to ask what the fuck was that about, but then again that would appear rather suspicious. Hui and Soojin’s relationship was publicly disclosed, and whatever was going in between is was behind the shadows. If I suddenly appear out of nowhere and bombard him with questions just like that, it’s weird.

I need a good alibi to do that.

“Oppa…? Are you okay?”

“Oh, yes of course I am!” I caught myself rather immediately, and a clever idea formed in my head at the split second that I was talking to her. “I… uh… well, Hui-hyung was kissed by our Soojin, I felt surprised as a manager, you know.”

I slowed down my pace for a bit, as I suddenly felt weird for the reason I said.

I need to back myself up for this, damn.

“I… I figured maybe I should ask Soojin first,” I beckoned to her as we both went to a complete stop. “Maybe I was just so surprised seeing hyung get kissed like that, but you saw it too right, Yuqi? He was equally as confused as we were.”

“I don’t really know what to do, oppa. I rushed out with you because I know you saw it too. I don’t want to ask Yanan oppa about them too; it would sound a bit off place and I don’t want to sound like I’m gossiping or anything.”

“Don’t worry Yuqi; I’ll get to the bottom of this. I’ll talk to Soojin. Maybe we should just go back and make up a good excuse why we left. What should we tell them?”

“Tell them you were starving and went for a snack…?”

“Okay, let’s go with that.”

That’s honestly not the most convincing alibi but at least we’re synchronized.

That’s honestly not the most convincing alibi but at least we’re synchronized

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