Torn Trust

646 27 41

His Home

Millie didn't want to open her eyes the next morning, already aware of the pounding headache that would worsen if she let light in.

She tried to move, but even that made her head hurt more, besides the fact something was holding her in place and halting her movements.

Millie froze when she heard quiet snores that were not her own come from beside her. Her eyes shot open almost involuntarily now becoming aware it wasn't a something, but a someone... a whole other body in her bed with her. Inwardly starting to panic Millie squirmed in the person's hold trying to see who it was.

Turning her neck uncomfortably to see, letting out a slight sigh of relief to see it was only Finn. Only slightly though, now she was trying to remember how they had gotten in this position. Millie's back was pressed against his chest and Finn had his arms tightly around her waist.

Her head was pretty much empty only recalling up to her and Lilia's fourth shot, after this things were fuzzy and soon nothing at all. Everything seemed to ache more with more time spent on trying to remember anything from last night.

She groaned wishing someone would turn the sun off or at least make it pitch black in her room again. Everything hurt... her head, she still felt the sleepiness in her eyes, and suddenly became very aware of the growing sickness she felt in her stomach...

"Shit." Millie tried to get up, but Finn's hold was to tight. Her stomach felt like it was about to send everything back up at any second.

"What the fuck-" Millie cursed trying to get out of Finn's grip. "Finally." Millie stumbled out of bed almost falling to the floor, but somehow she made it to the bathroom with just enough time to make it to the toilet.

Millie felt the affects of the alcohol fully now as it forced itself back up her throat in a disgusting form of vomit. She was really hoping Finn would remain asleep, but of course with all the coughing and disgusting bile substance leaving her body how could he not hear it?

She barley registered the pair of hands now pulling away the hair that was sticking to her face and gathering her brunette waves to hold up for her. Millie gasped for a breathe now trying to speak.

"Please Finn just go- go back to bed... this is so-" but Millie's body wasn't done sending up more vile sickness. She pushed her head back towards the toilet bowl trying to get everything out. How much had she really drank?

"-embarrassing." Millie finished her sentence once she was sure everything was out. She hovered a bit longer just to be sure. Finn said nothing, but continued to rub small circles around her back.

"Don't be embarrassed Mills... everything had to come back up at some point." Millie sat up and hit the knob to flush everything. Finn let go of her hair and helped her to her feet. She was still shaky making her way to the sink.

She groaned when she saw her own appearance in the mirror. "I look like shit."

"No you don't."

"Says you, you always look fucking perfect... and please don't talk so damn loud. My ears are ringing."

"I'm talking at normal volume." Finn almost laughed.

His Home | Fillie Where stories live. Discover now