Find Me Under Rain

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His Home

"Literally It's almost two am. I swear whoever is knocking on my damn door." They heard the lock turn and a frustrated and tired Sadie swung her door open ready to yell at whoever had the nerve to knock at this time, but when she saw Lilia and a very frantic looking Millie she froze.

"Millie, Lilia... what-"

"Is Finn here?" Millie asked trying to look over Sadie's shoulder for any sign of him.

"Uh- no not that I know of. Why? He's not in-" She was cut off once again.

"He left! He- he just left! I don't know where he is or where he's going to go. He most likely thinks I hate him, but- but I don't! I was only angry and hurt, I still am but I didn't mean for him to leave!" Millie was about to rip her hair out of her head pacing back and forth in front of Sadie's door.

"What do you mean left? He's just... gone?"

"Yes! He took whatever little stuff he came with and left my place! He- what if he's dead? Laying in a ditch somewhere?!"

Millie's panicked mind was taking over every rational thought, thinking of the worst possible thing that could happen to Finn from drowning in a ditch because of the heavy rain to getting mugged and shot. Everything seemed to end with him no longer breathing...

"Millie... calm down, you have to calm down and think more rationally. I'm sure he's okay. He's been on his own for awhile..."

"Yeah, you would know." She snapped at Sadie again without meaning to leaving her unsure of how to respond.

"Forget it, I just don't want him out in this storm, please just help us look for him."

"Of course I will. I'll take my car and drive around. You have your phone?" After a nod from Millie she continued. "Ok keep in touch." With that she closed the door and went to find clothes and car keys.

"Let's go." Millie didn't wait for Lilia to respond before she started running for the elevator.

Sadie knew Millie was still angry with her and Finn, but her worry for the raven head outweighed her anger in the moment.

Finn was probably not happy with her either for telling Millie the truth, but how much longer could she really stand keeping it from Millie? She hated keeping things from her best friend especially if it concerned Finn.

She drove down the streets slowly in the dark trying to keep her eyes peeled for any sign of Finn, but it was harder when she could barley see out the windshield.

Her phone rang and Sadie answered the call on her Bluetooth console. "Have you found him?" Sadie asked first.

"No." Millie's worried tone was still very evident. Sadie hesitated, "Have uhm- have you checked in front of Benny's?"

"No, why?"

"Well... that was Finn's usual spot to sit and play his guitar, the brick wall of Benny's... It's where I meant him last Christmas. Music is his way of earning money."

Sadie was sure Millie's anger was resurfacing when she didn't respond, but really she was only starting to connect the dots.

His Home | Fillie Where stories live. Discover now