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His Home

Days seemed to go even more slowly by for Millie after the recent holiday and the Christmas gala her parents threw annually to brag about the money her family had, but it was finally the evening of December 31st.

This meant it was New Year's Eve of course, but for Mille it much more than that this time around. The new year that would come in a few hours meant something to Millie this year, more than just another year to pass.

She would get a fresh start away from all this, away from her parents and their greed filled careless hearts... granted she would still technically be living off their money, but one day she hoped she could support herself enough so she didn't have to use theirs...

She was busy packing at the moment and didn't realize the maid that had entered her room. "Miss Millie?..."

The brunette jumped startled a bit before looking to see her personal maid with the long brown hair in front of her.

She wasn't particularly fond of having maids around either, maybe for cleaning once every few weeks, but having them do everything was just ridiculous. Millie was plenty capable, but none the less she would not argue with her parents. At least this maid was more of a friend or companion to Millie then a actual employee...

"Hi Lexi what did you need? And I told you to stop calling me Miss Millie... just plain old Millie is fine." She smiled, but Lexi only seemed to frown.

"Sorry Miss Millie, but I am not aloud to do that under your parents direction and I must follow their orders since they are my employers and I don't want to be fired."

Now it was Millie's turn to frown. Her parents always made sure the maids knew they were below the family they worked for... "Formalities are dumb, but whatever you have to do to stay out of trouble I suppose."

Lexi smiled with a grateful nod before continuing. "Mrs. Brown sent this up for you to put on and she would like you to be downstairs in no later than half and hour to join the guests."

"Guests? What guests?" Millie asked now taking the box Lexi had been holding earlier. It was almost 10:30 and Millie had planned to finish packing what she wanted and then go to bed and wake up in the new year.

"I do not know Miss Millie, I was just sent to you with the box and to inform you to be downstairs in the main living room soon."

"Ok... Um thank you Lexi, you are free to go now." Millie waited till the big double doors to her bedroom closed before opening the box.

Inside sat a knee length red off the shoulder dress and a note from her mom.

"Happy New Years darling, please put this on and come down to join us for the new year celebration. We have things to discuss."

"She really had to prepare all this and not just come up here and tell me herself?" Millie scoffed but did what was asked anyway. It wasn't to fancy so she grabbed a pair of white heels from her closet and some red lipstick to go with the dress.

Brushing her shoulder length brunette hair to freshen up a bit Millie sighed at her mirror before leaving her room reluctantly.

When Millie entered the living area in west wing of her home she was surprised to see that Jacob and his parents standing with her Kelly and Robert.

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