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His Home

Cord A, Cord B, and Cord D... the three cords he had been playing quietly on repeat for a little over ten minutes now sitting against that brick wall of a small restaurant in the city of Hawkins Indiana.

The cold brick wall that is, it was so close to Christmas and it was an unusually cold winter this year. Finn shivered as he continued quietly. Not a lot of people were out today on account of the snowy weather so it was a slow day for loose change to be thrown in his guitar case.

Of course the streets were still busy with parents and kids shopping for last minute Christmas gifts to wake up to on the good old day of December 25th.

Finn gave up with his music for the day and carefully placed his guitar back into its case. His fingers were to numb from the cold to play at this point anyway. He huddled himself closer to the wall to try and provide himself with a bit more warmth deciding to watch all the busy people walk down the street to all the little stores, cafes, and restaurants.

"Yes, it is absolutely freezing today, fifteen degrees below to be exact. I just have to buy one thing and then I will be home." Finn heard a woman talking on the phone loudly as she passed by him. Hearing the temperature made him feel colder.

"Fifteen below zero? Fucking christ." He mumbled to himself. "Mamma I can see my breath!" He heard a little girl say when she walked by with her mother. She looked to be about five with little pigtails and blue earmuffs.

He rested his head against the brick wall closing his eyes and trying to relax more before he heard a voice which seemed to be calling for his attention.

"Hey! I said hey!" Finn opened his eyes to see a women standing above him. Under her winter hat Finn could see long fire like red hair going past her shoulders. "Hi?" Is all that escaped his mouth. She eyed him up and down.

"You didn't wear a coat out today or really any protection from this cold for that matter. You will surely freeze to death!" She raised her voice a bit before giving an eye roll and continuing to walk down the street.

Finn watched her enter a store before he gave an eye roll of his own choosing to ignore her comment and close his eyes again. Maybe not everyone has a coat to wear, was his thought she didn't have to be so rude. She knew nothing about him.

Although he felt a figure standing over him again in about twenty minutes so he opened his eyes to see the same woman, but this time she had two shopping bags in her hands. She held a bigger bag and slightly smaller one.

She gave him a warm smile before kneeling down next to him. "Here." She said proceeding to pull out a large black winter trench coat. Finn sat up shocked while she started to put it over his shoulders then helping him get his arms through the sleeves. He felt it warming up his body immediately still to stunned to say anything to her.

Before his thoughts could recover she reached into the smaller bag pulling out an orange winter beanie and a pair of black leather gloves. She placed the beanie on his curls pulling it down over his ears. "Adjust it how you like." She smiled placing the gloves in his lap while Finn messed with the hat providing his ears with warmth. "And one more thing." She pulled out a scarf from the smaller bag placing it around his neck. "Put those gloves on." She instructed and Finn listened. "There, now that will be much better. I didn't know your shoe size so I couldn't buy snow boots, but hopefully this helps." She said standing up.

"Now before you leave home or wherever you're from next time, dress up warmer if you can ok? It is always so cold in Hawkins during winter." She smiled at him. "Thank you... thank you so much. I could never repay you..." Finn felt bad as he only managed to gain $3.50 today. "Oh, you don't have to! Consider it an early holiday gift. Now please stay warm and have a Merry Christmas!" She smiled and waved a goodbye before walking down the street again.

Being bought and given those clothes from that red head on the day of December 23rd, Finn considered them to be one of the most generous birthday gifts he would ever receive...

Author's Note: Hi, I don't know if you are reading this coming from my other book or if you just found it while scrolling, but thank you for clicking on my book.🥰

It's May 15th of 2020 right now, but this story has been sitting in my drafts since July 23rd 2019 believe it or not.

After today I am on my summer break, and I decided to finally publish "His Home" because one, it's a good way to start my summer and two, I refuse to let this book sit in my drafts for a whole year or longer.

This is actually the very first Fillie fic idea I ever came up with to write, and I thought it would be fun to finally publish.

I'm not sure when the first chapter will be up, but it will be soon. I promise my author notes are never this long and the chapters will always be longer than the prologue.

If you are staying to read, thank you so much for the support. I hope I don't disappoint!💖

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