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His Home

Millie threw the last of her things in her carry on before zipping up the bag. She was about to grab her phone when pain shot down her arm that aimed towards her wrist.

She winced quickly clutching it tightly trying to wait out the pain. "Ah! Hurts like a bitch!" Millie bit her lip so hard she thought blood would come out, but luckily it didn't and the pain faded slowly.

She walked into her bathroom and got the brace off slowly along with the bandage she had wrapped the previous night.

There was swelling and large dark blue and purple bruises. "Shit. I knew I should've gotten ice last night." Millie cursed herself for ignoring the pain majority of the previous night.

She crammed the brace into her carry on bag and pulled the sleeve of her hoodie down far enough to hide the damage on her wrist.

It was still pretty early in the morning, she was hoping to be able to leave without any maids, but more importantly without her parents seeing her.

After being forced against her will to sign that stupid piece of paper last night Kelly and Robert Brown were at the bottom of her list for faces she wanted to see right now.

He other luggage and belongings had already been shipped to her new home in Hawkins. Finally Millie tossed the bag on her shoulder and took her phone in her good hand and left her bedroom.

She made her way down the staircase and to the part of the house where the kitchen was. She usually was never in there because all of the cooks prepared the food, but Millie desperately wanted that ice now for her wrist.

The cooks were already in the room starting breakfast as usual. "Miss Millie? What are you doing up and more importantly why are. you in the kitchen?"

She didn't really want to tell anyone about her wrist, the main cook looked at her waiting for an answer. "Uh... Good morning Mr. Gelman..." Millie looked at his name tag.

"I just have a flight to catch soon, but I was wondering if I could have a small bag of ice before going?"


"Uh... yeah I... I hit my finger this morning on the corner of my desk and it is still hurting a bit." Millie smiled trying to make it believable. He seemed very skeptical, but left and returned quickly with Millie's request.

"Here you are Miss Millie, please have a safe flight." She shoved her phone in her hoodie pocket and took the bag wrapped in a small cloth quickly. He seemed to notice how she wouldn't budge her other arm, but Millie said her goodbyes and quickly walked away before he started asking questions.

She didn't need to tell them, besides she was under instructions to protect Jacob's reputation as well. She always has been even before the contract, so Millie couldn't tell even the cooks he had hurt her...

The brunette was almost at the door when her name was called. "Millie! Happy New Years! Leaving without goodbyes?"

She turned around hiding the ice behind her back. "Well no Mother, I said goodbye to the cooks, but I don't wish to say a good bye to you or Father."

His Home | Fillie Where stories live. Discover now