Holiday Spirit

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His Home

December 25th, Christmas Day. Yes, all the little boys and girls waking up and rushing down stairs to see what Santa had left them the night before under the tree and to reveal what was wrapped up tight with a pretty little bow on top.

The adults organizing a party to celebrate loved ones and gather around a table with a great feast ready to be devoured. It would have been delicious with fresh cooked ham, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, homemade desserts, and maybe some macaroni salad?

People going caroling and sharing hot coco by a warm fire wrapped up in a blanket. Families watching Christmas movies such as Home Alone, The Polar Express, and of course Elf. Couples sharing a kiss under mistletoe and grossly gazing at each other lovingly.

Maybe it was cheesy, but Finn Wolfhard often wondered what being in love was like. Was it beautiful like so many said or just a dark black hole that sucks you up and destroys you? Either way he wanted to experience it at least once, but he wouldn't. Not today at least, because Finn?

Finn didn't have presents wrapped up under the tree to wake up to nor a feast sitting in front of him waiting to be eaten. He didn't have a group of friends to go caroling with, or a cup of hot coco to sit by a fire and drink. He didn't have any blankets to wrap up in, not one movie to watch with his family, and he certainly did not have someone to kiss under mistletoe or give his love to...

No, what he had that morning was waking up on a cold park bench that he had wiped the snow off of the night before. It had snowed a little through the night though so Finn stood up wiping the custom given white blanket off of him.

Thank God he now had a coat around him even gloves, a hat, and a scarf to go with it. He was so thankful to whoever that red head was for the warmth she had provided to him. He swore to himself that one day when he would've managed to gain enough to support himself and get on his feet he will find her and pay her pack every last penny.

Finn grabbed his guitar case and the small back pack of stuff he had with him making his way out of the park. It had stopped snowing for the time being which was good because there was about four feet on the ground in the moment. Maybe not much to some people, but Finn only had his worn down vans, and those were definitely not made for the snow.

He would not go to his usual spot and play today as people would not be out. Everyone was inside celebrating with family today and no shops or stores would be open, most not open again until after New Years Day.

There was only one place Finn could think of which would be open. A small gas station down the road. He finally made his way there and when entertaining felt the warmth of the heater.

The guy behind the counter looked up to see who could possibly be crazy enough to go out in weather like this and not to mention on Christmas. Finn gave him a polite smile before making his way down the isles of unhealthy snacks and food.

He found the cinnamon buns first grabbing one remembering how a hot and fresh one from Cinnabon was his favorite thing at the mall when he was a little boy. He had always asked his mom to get him one before they started shopping.

Finn smiled at one of the few good memories he had from his family before grabbing a bag of chips and a slim jim. He grabbed two water bottles out of the fridge and one apple for good measure even though he hated any kind of fruit. He had to put a little bit of healthy shit in his body.

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